A heartfelt gift, bequests create a better future. Let your legacy live on
Gifts in Wills & Planned Giving

Be a part of Sydney Eisteddfod’s future and future generations of young artists.
By planning a gift in your will (or bequest) you can continue to support what was important to you in life well into the future. A bequest is a heartfelt gift to create a better future and have your legacy live on.
A bequest would play an important role in the ongoing success of Sydney Eisteddfod and create life-changing opportunities in the arts for generations to come. Your generosity and vision will support the future development of young artists and bring the joy of performance to both audiences and young artists alike. We would be honoured to be entrusted with your legacy.
Current donors to prizes and scholarships may like to see them continue in perpetuity through a gift in their will.
At Sydney Eisteddfod, all bequests are carefully invested and managed by our Investment Committee to preserve and grow the capital whilst still realising the purpose of the gift for years to come.
All gifts are greatly appreciated and assist us in achieving our mission. If you have or are intending to leave a bequest, please let us know. We value your commitment and would like to thank you personally and invite you to be a part of our Donor Circle. We also know that a bequest is a very personal decision and we will always respect your privacy.
A living bequest
If you would like to have an in-confidence discussion, please contact us on 02 9261 8366 or request further information by email [email protected]
We have included some information below to assist you if you choose to make Sydney Eisteddfod a beneficiary of your will however, we strongly encourage you to seek legal or financial advice. This will ensure the type of bequest you choose suits your circumstances and your wishes are protected.
If you have already made your will, a codicil made in consultation with your legal adviser may be a cost-effective way to include a gift to Sydney Eisteddfod.
1. Most common types of Bequests
Residual or percentage bequest: A percentage of the remainder of your estate after all debts and charges (and in the case of a residual bequest, any other gifts) have been deducted. This type of bequest maintains its relative value and automatically adjusts to the value of your estate.
Pecuniary bequest: A fixed amount of money gifted from your estate.
Specific bequest/Gift in Kind: If you would like to leave a gift in your will to a specific area or leave a Gift in Kind please have an in confidence discussion with our Philanthropy Manager prior so we can ensure Sydney Eisteddfod will be able to fulfil your wishes in the future.
2. Simple bequest wording
“I give to the Sydney Eisteddfod ABN 87 000 083 974 of Level 1, 45 Chippen Street, Chippendale NSW 2008, (% of my residuary estate OR insert a dollar amount) for the general purposes of the Sydney Eisteddfod and declare that the receipt of the Company Secretary at the time shall be sufficient discharge of my executor’s duty.”
Or for a specific purpose
“I give to the Sydney Eisteddfod ABN 87 000 083 974 of Level 1, 45 Chippen Street, Chippendale NSW 2008, (% of my residuary estate OR insert a dollar amount). I express the wish but without creating a binding trust that this gift be applied towards _ and acknowledged as _. However, if circumstances change and my wishes cannot be fulfilled in future years, I direct that the Sydney Eisteddfod board allocate the bequest in such a manner as best approximates my wishes. I declare that the receipt of the Company Secretary at the time shall be sufficient discharge of my executor’s duty”.
We are here to help.
To have your questions answered or to arrange an appointment to discuss your plans please contact us on (02) 9261 8366 or email [email protected]

Sydney Eisteddfod is only possible with the support of our passionate volunteers. You too can make a difference
Annual Giving
Provide transformative opportunities for the young performers today who will be our leaders of tomorrow
Major Gifts & Endowments
Philanthropy is about more than giving money. An endowed gift is a wonderful way to honour a loved one