Chippen Street Theatre

In 2022, Sydney Eisteddfod embarked on an ambitious project to find a new home with a performance space. In April 2024 we launched our new home, Chippen Street Theatre in Chippendale. The new premises not only has office space and rehearsal rooms but boasts a fully equipped, fifty-seat black box theatre! A new era has begun!

For the first time we have developed a multi-arts centre as a creative hub, and we have been able to offer a space to resident arts companies. The venue is now also home to arts partners Australian Youth Orchestra and Australian Haydn Ensemble.

Thanks to our sponsor, Kawai Australia, we have a baby grand piano on permanent loan in the venue so we can offer emerging young artists masterclasses, an intimate performance space to experiment and share ideas with an audience.

With your support we can make this the venue of choice for our talented young performers and community groups looking for a supportive space to showcase their work – a rarity in the Sydney cultural scene.

Join us on this new adventure!  From buying a microphone to a spotlight – your donation will play a part.

Sydney Eisteddfod Home

We acknowledge the Traditional Owners and Custodians of the lands on which our work and events take place. We celebrate and applaud the long, rich history of storytelling in song, dance, and voice. We pay our respects to elders past, present and emerging. We contribute to this continuity – developing and sharing our combined cultural journey through our activities on these lands where sovereignty was never ceded.