Results - Dance

If you have been an entrant in Sydney Eisteddfod in 2023 and would like to share some pictures or thoughts, please connect with us via socials or email [email protected].

Principal Events

Sunday 23 July, 2.00pm
Winner ~ Henry Burgess
2nd Place ~ Mantraa Rane
Entrants in performance order

3. Claudia Gordon
4. Arainn Pillay
5. Mantraa Rane
6. Summer Edgley
7. Ben Moss
8. Georgia Lorange
9. Henry Burgess
11. Ella Marshall

Supported by The Estate of the Late Mr. Leslie Andrews, Bloch for Dancers, The Australian Conservatoire of Ballet, Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund
Saturday 22 July, 6.00pm
Winner ~ Daisy Sexton
2nd Place ~ Charlie Carberry
Finalist ~ Emily Buckley
Finalist ~ Bonni Bolam
Finalist ~ Oscar Taggart
Finalist ~ Hannah Saito
Finalist ~ Elodie LAMONT
Finalist ~ Tallulah Calvert
Entrants in performance order

1. Hannah Saito
2. Charlie Carberry
3. Bonni Bolam
4. Emily Buckley
5. Oscar Taggart
6. Elodie LAMONT
7. Tallulah Calvert
8. Daisy Sexton

Supported by Robert Albert AO & Elizabeth Albert

Sunday 23 July, 2.00pm

Winner Jury Award ~ Ablaze Dance Academy Open Contemporary
Winner People’s Choice ~ Ablaze Dance Academy Open Contemporary

Entrants in performance order

1. Ablaze Dance Academy Open Ballet
2. Redlands Ballet and Dance Academy
3. National College of Dance
4. 2 Step Dance
5. Ablaze Dance Academy Open Contemporary
6. Albany Creek State High School

Supported by Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund


Winner ~ Bonni Bolam
Supported by Capezio

All Events In Order

Sunday 23 July, 2.00pm
Winner ~ Henry Burgess
2nd Place ~ Mantraa Rane
Entrants in performance order

3. Claudia Gordon
4. Arainn Pillay
5. Mantraa Rane
6. Summer Edgley
7. Ben Moss
8. Georgia Lorange
9. Henry Burgess
11. Ella Marshall

Supported by The Estate of the Late Mr. Leslie Andrews, Bloch for Dancers, The Australian Conservatoire of Ballet, Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund
Wednesday 5 July, 5.45pm
Winner ~ Caitlin Lovett
2nd ~ Rose Giunta
Entrants in performance order
1     Rebecca Dooley
2     Kira Spencer
3     Caitlin Lovett
5     Rose Giunta
6     Madelaine Walsh
Supported by The Wenkart Foundation 
Wed 5 Jul 13:30
Winner ~ Grace Wilson
2nd ~ Maya Green
3rd ~ Rebecca Dooley
HC ~ Sylas Grimsley
Entrants in performance order
  1. Bo Gyeung Kim
  2. Sophie Ryan
  3. Maya Green
  4. Greer Townsend
  5. Tiana Amiradaki
  6. Rebecca Dooley
  7. Ashton Philp
  8. Grace Wilson
  9. Madelaine Walsh
  10. Sylas Grimsley
  11. Nina Muranaka 
Supported by the Australian Dance Adjudicators Association
Wednesday 5 July, 7.30pm
Winner ~ Maya Green
2nd Place ~ Lauren Koops
3rd Place ~ Dakota Dang
Highly Commended ~ Greer Townsend
Highly Commended ~ Caitlin Lovett
Entrants in performance order

1. Tiana Amiradaki
2. Greer Townsend
3. Lara Taylor
5. Maya Green
6. Madelaine Walsh
7. Rose Giunta
8. Lauren Koops
9. Max Curnoe-Cheng
10. Dakota Dang
11. Caitlin Lovett

Supported by Robert Albert AO & Elizabeth Albert
Wed 5 Jul, 4:15pm
Winner ~ Greer Townsend
2nd ~ Dakota Dang
3rd ~ Eloise Watts
HC ~ Chelsea-Lee Nicholls
HC ~ Ashton Philp
HC ~ Lauren Koops
Entrants in performance order
  1. Tiana Amiradaki
  2. Maya Green
  3. Nina Muranaka
  4. Greer Townsend
  5. Dakota Dang
  6. Grace Wilson
  7. Chelsea-Lee Nicholls
  8. Taesia Feldman
  9. Lara Taylor
  10. Ashton Philp
  11. Lauren Koops
  12. Eloise Watts
  13. Ava Hasler
Supported by Maureen Fry
Friday 14 July, 4.00pm
Winner ~ Grace Wilson
2nd Place ~ Sylas Grimsley
3rd Place ~ Maya Green
Highly Commended ~ Milania Koryzma
Highly Commended ~ Shaylan Cole
Highly Commended ~ Soraya Sullivan
Entrants in performance order

1. Milania Koryzma
2. Tiana Amiradaki
4. Maya Green
5. Hannah McConnell
6. Shaylan Cole
7. Grace Wilson
9. Soraya Sullivan
16. Emily Wootton
17. Sylas Grimsley

Supported by The Wenkart Foundation
Winner ~ Amelia Soh
2nd ~ Soraya Sullivan
3rd ~ Greer Townsend
Entrants in performance order
  1. Greer Townsend
  2. Soraya Sullivan
  3. Tiana Amiradaki
  4. Amelia Soh
  5. Niamh Webster
  6. Madelaine Walsh
  7. Taesia Feldman
  8. Callum Paterson
  9. Tessa Romanin
Supported by Robert Albert AO & Elizabeth Albert
Saturday 15 July, 7.45pm
Winner ~ Cooper Edwards
2nd Place ~ Soraya Sullivan
3rd Place ~ Emily Gabites
Highly Commended ~ Chloe Brooks
Highly Commended ~ Mia Leishman
Entrants in performance order

5. Mia Leishman
6. Chloe Brooks
8. Soraya Sullivan
9. Cooper Edwards
10. Emily Gabites

Supported by Capezio
Wednesday 5 July, 9.30am
Winner ~ Nina Lowe
2nd Place ~ Amelia Soh
3rd Place ~ Milania Koryzma
Highly Commended ~ Shaylan Cole
Entrants in performance order

1. Nina Lowe
3. Emily Wootton
4. Amelia Soh
6. Callum Paterson
7. Laura Hodgins
8. Chelsea Morris
9. Soraya Sullivan
11. Jemima Simons
13. Amelia Newton
14. Milania Koryzma
15. Audrey Horwood
17. Shaylan Cole
18. Hannah McConnell
19. Mia Leishman
20. Niamh Pearce
21. Layla Zecevic

Supported by Robert Albert AO & Elizabeth Albert
Wednesday 5 July, 2.15pm
Winner ~ Cooper Edwards
2nd Place ~ Mia Leishman
3rd Place ~ Shaylan Cole
Highly Commended ~ Millie Carey
Highly Commended ~ Audrey Horwood
Highly Commended ~ Isabella Crebert
Highly Commended ~ Kataraina Poata
Highly Commended ~ Callum Paterson
Entrants in performance order

1. Abby McDonald
2. Chloe Brooks
3. Jemima Simons
4. Emily Gabites
6. Hannah McConnell
7. Mia Leishman
8. Hayley Crisp
9. Emily Wootton
10. Cooper Edwards
12. Ella-Grace Gorton
13. Faith Draeger
16. Milania Koryzma
17. Nina Lowe
18. Callum Paterson
19. Audrey Horwood
21. Laura Hodgins
22. Niamh Webster
24. Kataraina Poata
25. Soraya Sullivan
26. Isabella Crebert
27. Chelsea Morris
28. Finley Adams
29. Keira Beach
30. Shaylan Cole
31. Layla Zecevic
33. Millie Carey

Supported by The Pollard Family & Friends
Wednesday 5 July, 6.15pm
Winner ~ Mia Leishman
2nd Place ~ Cooper Edwards
3rd Place ~ Niamh Webster
Highly Commended ~ Millie Carey
Highly Commended ~ Finley Adams
Highly Commended ~ Audrey Horwood
Highly Commended ~ Callum Paterson
Entrants in performance order

2. Abby McDonald
3. Nina Lowe
4. Soraya Sullivan
5. Hayley Crisp
7. Ella-Grace Gorton
8. Jemima Simons
9. Audrey Horwood
10. Hannah McConnell
11. Emily Gabites
12. Finley Adams
13. Niamh Webster
14. Cooper Edwards
15. Laura Hodgins
16. Mia Leishman
17. Callum Paterson
18. Keira Beach
20. Millie Carey

Supported by Robert Albert AO & Elizabeth Albert
Friday 14 July, 12.30pm
Winner ~ Giselle Kotlyar
2nd Place ~ Scarlet Higgins
3rd Place ~ Georgia Lorange
Highly Commended ~ Charlotte Blow
Highly Commended ~ Sienna Myers
Highly Commended ~ Aliya Bernardo
Highly Commended ~ Amahli Kipa
Highly Commended ~ Ashlea Rush
Entrants in performance order

1. Charlotte Blow
3. Allegra Philippe
4. Ashlea Rush
5. Audrey Wong
6. Mia McKee
7. Scarlet Higgins
8. Rose Bourke
11. Taylah Martin
12. Hannah Scott
15. Giselle Kotlyar
17. Aliya Bernardo
18. Amahli Kipa
19. Alessandra Gladstone
20. Sienna Myers
21. Georgia Lorange

Supported by The Wenkart Foundation
Wednesday 5 July, 10.30am
Winner ~ Giselle Kotlyar
2nd Place ~ Sienna Myers
3rd Place ~ Lara Ell
Highly Commended ~ Erica Payne
Highly Commended ~ Amelia Grove
Highly Commended ~ Aliya Bernardo
Highly Commended ~ Amahli Kipa
Entrants in performance order

1. Makyla Jurd
2. Charlotte Blow
3. Erica Payne
5. Scarlet Higgins
6. Leela Kus
7. Audrey Wong
8. Erika Stothard
9. Aliya Bernardo
10. Lara Ell
12. Amy Stone
13. Psalm Pratley
15. Amahli Kipa
16. Giselle Kotlyar
17. Amelia Grove
20. Lauren O’Brien
21. Hannah Scott
22. Matilda Morse
23. Alessandra Gladstone
24. Mia McKee
26. Taylah Martin
27. Sienna Myers
28. Spencer Bloomfield

Supported by Robert Albert AO & Elizabeth Albert
Tuesday 4 July, 11.45am
Winner ~ Ella Marshall
2nd Place ~ Lucy Eggleton
3rd Place ~ Aliya Bernardo
Highly Commended ~ Penny Hollis
Highly Commended ~ shanaya Buddingh
Highly Commended ~ Ella Youl
Highly Commended ~ Lara Ell
Highly Commended ~ Scarlet Higgins
Highly Commended ~ Tayah Showman
Entrants in performance order

1. Ella Youl
3. Lara Ell
4. Amahli Kipa
5. Sienna Myers
6. Taylah Martin
7. Mikayla Thomas
8. Erika Stothard
9. Seth Willcocks
10. Alessandra Gladstone
11. Mia McKee
12. Amelia Grove
13. Eden Hunter
14. Lauren O’Brien
15. Matilda Morse
16. Leela Kus
17. Aliya Bernardo
18. Penny Hollis
19. Audrey Wong
20. Erica Payne
21. Georgia O’Keeffe
22. Lucy Eggleton
23. Evie McGarry
24. Harriott Rogers
25. Makyla Jurd
26. Claire Polczynski
27. Ella Marshall
28. Giselle Kotlyar
29. Charlotte Blow
30. shanaya Buddingh
31. Tayah Showman
32. Scarlett Ikeda
33. Kiara Mok
34. Joy Wang
35. Psalm Pratley
36. Scarlet Higgins
37. Summer Bell
38. Hannah Scott
40. Spencer Bloomfield

Supported by Robert Albert AO & Elizabeth Albert
Tuesday 4 July, 6.00pm
Winner ~ Evie McGarry
2nd Place ~ Lara Ell
3rd Place ~ Amelia Grove
Highly Commended ~ Lucy Eggleton
Highly Commended ~ Sienna Myers
Entrants in performance order

1. Harriott Rogers
2. Georgia O’Keeffe
5. Penny Hollis
6. Matilda Morse
7. Erica Payne
8. shanaya Buddingh
9. Lucy Eggleton
10. Scarlett Ikeda
11. Makyla Jurd
12. Sienna Myers
13. Evie McGarry
14. Charlotte Blow
15. Madison Gill
16. Amelia Grove
17. Ella Youl
18. Mikayla Thomas
19. Tayah Showman
20. Ella Marshall
21. Psalm Pratley
22. Leela Kus
23. Lara Ell

Supported by Robert Albert AO & Elizabeth Albert
Wednesday 5 July, 8.30am
Winner ~ Mikayla Thomas
2nd Place ~ Audrey Wong
3rd Place ~ shanaya Buddingh
Highly Commended ~ Matilda Morse
Entrants in performance order

1. Erica Payne
2. Sherena Keen
4. Leela Kus
5. Madison Gill
6. Lauren O’Brien
7. Matilda Morse
8. shanaya Buddingh
9. Mikayla Thomas
10. Audrey Wong

Supported by Robert Albert AO & Elizabeth Albert
Saturday 15 July, 7.00pm
Winner ~ Evie McGarry
2nd Place ~ Nikitta Jancek
3rd Place ~ Ella Marshall
Highly Commended ~ Lucy Eggleton
Highly Commended ~ Kiara Mok
Highly Commended ~ shanaya Buddingh
Highly Commended ~ Lara Ell
Highly Commended ~ Makyla Jurd
Highly Commended ~ Elly Butters
Entrants in performance order

1. Ella Marshall
2. Elly Butters
3. Makyla Jurd
4. shanaya Buddingh
6. Nikitta Jancek
8. Kiara Mok
9. Lara Ell
10. Lucy Eggleton
11. Evie McGarry

Supported by The John Lamble Foundation
Fri 14 Jul, 6:30pm
Winner ~ Evie McGarry
2nd ~ Dante Minassian
3rd ~ Mia Leishman
HC ~ Lara Ell
HC ~ Sienna Denby
HC ~ Ella Marshall
Entrants in performance order
  1. Evie McGarry
  2. Sienna Denby
  3. Ella Marshall
  4. Cooper Edwards
  5. Lara Ell
  6. Mia Leishman
  7. Coco Solomon
  8. Dante Minassian
  9. Hayley Crisp
  10. Penny Hollis
  11. Leela Kus
  12. Emily Gabites
  13. Jewel Paopeng

Supported by Robert Albert AO & Elizabeth Albert

Winner ~ Jamie Kelly
2nd ~ Lexie Egan 
3rd ~ Jaela Hibbard
HC ~ Kyle Burke
HC ~ Remie Gibbs
Entrants in performance order
1. Lexie Egan
2. Jamie Kelly
3. Willem Szabo
4. Jaela Hibbard
5. Nicholas Ridgeway
6. Ruby Lamb
7. Kyle Burke
8. Emily Cooper
9. Chloe Harrigan
10. Remie Gibbs
Supported by The Wenkart Foundation
Winner ~ Nicholas Ridgeway
2nd ~ Chloe Harrington
3rd ~ Jamie Kelly
HC ~ Kyle Burke
Entrants in performance order
1. Charlie Carroll
2. Lexie Egan
3. Jamie Rogers
4. Willem Szabo
5. Kyle Burke
6. Jamie Kelly
7. Jaela Hibbard
8. Ruby Lamb
9. Chloe Harrigan
10. Remie Gibbs
11. Angus McCormack
12. Nicholas Ridgeway
13. Emily Cooper
Supported by Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund
Saturday 15 July, 8.45pm
Winner ~ Emily Gabites
2nd Place ~ Nikitta Jancek
3rd Place ~ Tia Caroutas
Highly Commended ~ Noam Zemack
Highly Commended ~ Elly Butters
Highly Commended ~ Breanna Watkins
Highly Commended ~ shanaya Buddingh
Entrants in performance order

1. Emily Gabites
2. Nikitta Jancek
3. Noam Zemack
4. Tia Caroutas
6. shanaya Buddingh
7. Elly Butters
8. Breanna Watkins

Supported by Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund
Tue 27 Jun, 12:45
Winner ~ Jaela Hibbard
2nd ~ Lily Hibbard
3rd ~ Thalia Skye Henshaw
Entrants in performance order
  1. Jaela Hibbard
  2. Thalia Skye Henshaw
  3. Lily Hibbard
Supported by the Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund
Saturday 22 July, 6.00pm
Winner ~ Daisy Sexton
2nd Place ~ Charlie Carberry
Finalist ~ Emily Buckley
Finalist ~ Bonni Bolam
Finalist ~ Oscar Taggart
Finalist ~ Hannah Saito
Finalist ~ Elodie LAMONT
Finalist ~ Tallulah Calvert
Entrants in performance order

1. Hannah Saito
2. Charlie Carberry
3. Bonni Bolam
4. Emily Buckley
5. Oscar Taggart
6. Elodie LAMONT
7. Tallulah Calvert
8. Daisy Sexton

Supported by Robert Albert AO & Elizabeth Albert
Friday 14 July, 9.00am
Winner ~ Dante Minassian
2nd Place ~ Charlie Carberry
3rd Place ~ Charlize Portes-Green
Highly Commended ~ Freya Wild
Highly Commended ~ Miyuki Feng
Entrants in performance order

1. Charlie Carberry
2. Mahlee Yuanjit
4. Alessa Abadi
5. Claudia Radojevic
6. Imogen Jeffery-Bilich
7. Coco Solomon
8. Siofra McAweeney
9. Jewel Paopeng
10. Dante Minassian
11. Daisy-Mena Proud
12. Miyuki Feng
13. Charlize Portes-Green
14. Phoebe Meers
15. Freya Wild
16. Mia Perez

Supported by The Wenkart Foundation
Mon 3 Jul, 6:30pm
Winner ~ Charlie Carberry
2nd ~ Charlize Portes-Green
3rd ~ Imogen Zimmer
HC ~ Aurelia Beal-Attwood
HC ~ Coco Solomon
HC ~ Hidi Probert
HC ~ Olivia Van Der Linden
HC ~ Siofra McAweeney
Entrants in performance order
  1. Miyuki Feng
  2. Alessa Abadi
  3. Aurelia Beal-Attwood
  4. Isla Keenan
  5. Alyssa Pierantonietti
  6. Zara Wenborne
  7. Annabelle Capper
  8. Sofia Ramadge
  9. Sylvie Napper
  10. Abby Nickalls
  11. Coco Solomon
  12. Heidi Probert
  13. Matilda Rumble
  14. Charlie Carberry
  15. Phoebe Meers
  16. Dante Minassian
  17. Ella Hodgson
  18. Amelia Laing
  19. Olivia Van Der Linden
  20. Claudia Radojevic
  21. Daisy-Mena Proud
  22. Georgina Rouse
  23. Kaleeah Royan
  24. Isabella Ferraro
  25. Amelie Parkes
  26. Mia Perez
  27. Jewel Paopeng
  28. Amelie Schenko
  29. Imogen Jeffery-Bilich
  30. Imogen Zimmer
  31. Alvina Lin
  32. Eva Phillips
  33. Eve Alchin
  34. Charlize Portes-Green
  35. Celia Pritchard
  36. Charlotte Rota
  37. Abby-Rose Charmicheal
  38. Isabelle Smeallie
  39. Siofra McAweeney
  40. Evie Newton
Supported by Cecchetti Ballet Australia Inc. (NSW)
Tuesday 4 July, 9.00am
Winner ~ Bonnie Brown
2nd Place ~ Dante Minassian
3rd Place ~ Vivian Ikeda
Highly Commended ~ Charlie Carberry
Highly Commended ~ Phoebe Meers
Highly Commended ~ Charlize Portes-Green
Highly Commended ~ Coco Solomon
Highly Commended ~ Isabelle Smeallie
Highly Commended ~ Alyssa Pierantonietti
Highly Commended ~ Mia Perez
Highly Commended ~ Abby Nickalls
Highly Commended ~ Freya Wild
Highly Commended ~ Miyuki Feng
Entrants in performance order

1. Imogen Jeffery-Bilich
2. Bonnie Brown
3. Maia Roxburgh
4. Ruby Leddy
5. Jorja McKnight
6. Isla Keenan
7. Abby-Rose Charmicheal
8. Matilda Rumble
9. Siofra McAweeney
10. Charlotte Rota
11. Dante Minassian
12. Aurelia Beal-Attwood
13. Anneliese Svalbe
14. Amelie Parkes
15. Alessa Abadi
16. Chloe Littler
17. Emma Prail
19. Georgina Rouse
20. Mia Perez
21. Kate Naylor
22. Ella Mabbott
23. Isabella Ferraro
24. Isabelle Smeallie
25. Annabelle Capper
26. Caitlin Brown
27. Phoebe Meers
28. Claudia Radojevic
29. Alyssa Pierantonietti
30. Celia Pritchard
31. Kaleeah Royan
33. Oliver Cholensky
34. Breanna Watkins
35. Lillian Downes
37. Miyuki Feng
38. Sylvie Napper
39. Eva Phillips
40. Sofia Ramadge
41. Jewel Paopeng
42. Coco Solomon
43. Rose Morton
44. Daisy-Mena Proud
45. Abby Nickalls
46. Olivia Van Der Linden
47. Vivian Ikeda
48. Freya Wild
49. Charlie Carberry
50. Eve Alchin
51. Charlize Portes-Green
52. Adele Cosentino
53. Peppa Burnett

Supported by Robert Albert AO & Elizabeth Albert
Tuesday 4 July, 4.15pm
Winner ~ Dante Minassian
2nd Place ~ Breanna Watkins
3rd Place ~ Ella Hodgson
Highly Commended ~ Jewel Paopeng
Highly Commended ~ Ruby Leddy
Highly Commended ~ Summer Bell
Highly Commended ~ Chloe Littler
Highly Commended ~ Coco Solomon
Entrants in performance order

1. Adele Cosentino
2. Sylvie Napper
3. Emma Prail
4. Ella Hodgson
5. Abby Nickalls
6. Bonnie Brown
7. Amelia Laing
9. Maia Roxburgh
10. Kaleeah Royan
11. Mia Perez
13. Dante Minassian
14. Alyssa Pierantonietti
15. Imogen Jeffery-Bilich
16. Kate Naylor
17. Annabelle Capper
18. Chloe Littler
20. Isla Keenan
21. Jewel Paopeng
22. Abby-Rose Charmicheal
23. Lillian Downes
24. Summer Bell
25. Peppa Burnett
26. Ruby Leddy
27. Breanna Watkins
28. Isabella Ferraro
30. Rose Morton
31. Anneliese Svalbe
33. Eva Phillips
34. Ella Mabbott
35. Coco Solomon
36. Isabelle Smeallie
37. Georgina Rouse
38. Vivian Ikeda
39. Phoebe Meers

Supported by Robert Albert AO & Elizabeth Albert
Monday 3 July, 3.00pm
Winner ~ Coco Solomon
2nd Place ~ Mia Perez
3rd Place ~ Ella Hodgson
Highly Commended ~ Phoebe Meers
Highly Commended ~ Siofra McAweeney
Highly Commended ~ Abby Nickalls
Entrants in performance order

1. Alyssa Pierantonietti
3. Amelia Laing
4. Coco Solomon
5. Georgina Rouse
6. Jewel Paopeng
7. Mia Perez
9. Siofra McAweeney
10. Ella Hodgson
12. Abby Nickalls
13. Evie Newton
14. Phoebe Meers

Supported by Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund
Saturday 15 July, 6.00pm
Winner ~ Vivian Ikeda
2nd Place ~ Jewel Paopeng
3rd Place ~ Coco Solomon
Highly Commended ~ Isabel Thompson
Highly Commended ~ Adele Cosentino
Highly Commended ~ Breanna Watkins
Entrants in performance order

1. Breanna Watkins
4. Jewel Paopeng
7. Vivian Ikeda
8. Isabel Thompson
9. Adele Cosentino
10. Caitlin Brown
12. Coco Solomon
15. Josephine Speers

Supported by Susan Fox
Thursday 13 July, 4.30pm
Winner ~ Bonni Bolam
2nd Place ~ Molly Paine
3rd Place ~ Rachel Collings
Highly Commended ~ Eden Lawrence
Highly Commended ~ Kate Connelly
Highly Commended ~ Tallulah Calvert
Highly Commended ~ Charlie Brown
Highly Commended ~ Chloe Sullivan-Harvey
Highly Commended ~ Elodie LAMONT
Highly Commended ~ Oscar Taggart
Entrants in performance order

1. Chloe Sullivan-Harvey
3. Ava Micallef
4. Daisy Sexton
5. Bella Giblett
6. Rachel Collings
7. Madeleine Konstantakos
9. Oscar Taggart
10. Molly Paine
11. Annabelle Howison
13. Luke Antcliffe
14. Bonni Bolam
15. Charlie Brown
16. Kate Connelly
17. Siwen Luo
18. Madeleine McGimpsey
20. Ashleigh Webster
21. Tallulah Calvert
22. Sophie Shanks
23. Charlie Duwner
24. Valentine Toussaint
25. Elodie LAMONT
26. Sophie Curkovic
27. Eden Lawrence

Supported by The Wenkart Foundation
Monday 3 July, 12.30pmWinner ~ Elodie LAMONT
2nd ~ Bonni Bolam
3rd ~ Ryan Keo
H.C. ~ Madeleine McGimpsey
H.C. ~ Oscar Taggart
H.C. ~ Ava Micallef
H.C. ~ Molly Paine
H.C. ~ Paityn McLennan
H.C. ~ Madeleine Konstantakos
H.C. ~ Charlie Brown
Entrants in performance order
1     Dana Kym
2     Elodie LAMONT
3     Shirley Kong
4     Isabella Day
5     Sophie Shanks
6     Alessandra Papalia
7     Madeleine McGimpsey
8     Sophie Curkovic
9     Ryan Keo
10    Valentine Toussaint
11    Luke Antcliffe
12    Charlie Duwner
14    Chloe Sullivan-Harvey
15    Molly Paine
16    Annabelle Howison
18    Yeyong Yang
19    Lily Evans
20    Bella Ottini
21    Paityn McLennan
22    Ashleigh Webster
23    Rachel Collings
24    Sarah Reedman
25    Tallulah Calvert
26    Bethia Warren
27    Tomas Vodic-Senior
28    Zali Maddox
29    Samantha Luong
30    Yudam Kim
33    Oscar Taggart
34    Kate Connelly
35    Bonni Bolam
37    Eden Lawrence
38    Olivia Elvidge
39    Madeleine Konstantakos
40    Charlie Brown
41    Ava Micallef
42    Ellie McLean
Supported by Capezio
Tuesday 11 July, 5.45pm
Winner ~ Molly Paine
2nd Place ~ Bonni Bolam
3rd Place ~ AvaJ Gifford
Highly Commended ~ Piper Crookwell
Highly Commended ~ Valentine Toussaint
Highly Commended ~ Paityn McLennan
Highly Commended ~ Mia Scott
Highly Commended ~ Madeleine Konstantakos
Highly Commended ~ Luke Antcliffe
Highly Commended ~ Kate Connelly
Highly Commended ~ Hazel Paine
Highly Commended ~ Bella Giblett
Highly Commended ~ Rachel Collings
Highly Commended ~ Chloe Sullivan-Harvey
Entrants in performance order

1. Adrianne Breen
2. Yudam Kim
3. Charlie Brown
4. Madeleine McGimpsey
5. Piper Crookwell
6. Ocea Grant
7. Ruby Nable
8. Sarah Reedman
9. Darcey Peterson
10. Ivy Etherington
11. Sophie Curkovic
12. Ellie McLean
13. Mia Scott
14. Paityn McLennan
15. Bella Giblett
16. Sarah Katalinic
17. Sophie Shanks
18. Dana Kym
21. Luke Antcliffe
22. Elodie LAMONT
23. Kate Connelly
24. Chloe Sullivan-Harvey
25. Rachel Collings
26. Madeleine Konstantakos
28. Hazel Paine
29. Bonni Bolam
31. Ava Micallef
32. Vivienne Rothwell
33. Anastacia Reinhardt
34. Oscar Taggart
35. Tiarne Galea
36. Valentine Toussaint
37. Alexis Swancott
39. Liahna Tria
40. AvaJ Gifford
41. Bella Ottini
42. Gabriella Petroni
43. Molly Paine
44. Lily Evans
45. Kayla McKinnon
46. Alisa Leung
47. Tallulah Calvert
48. Annabelle Howison
49. Eden Lawrence

Supported by National College of Dance
Tuesday 4 July, 2.30pm
Winner ~ Kayla McKinnon
2nd Place ~ Olivia Knowles
3rd Place ~ Piper Crookwell
Highly Commended ~ Paityn McLennan
Highly Commended ~ Madeleine Konstantakos
Highly Commended ~ Chloe Sullivan-Harvey
Highly Commended ~ Luke Antcliffe
Highly Commended ~ Sarah Reedman
Highly Commended ~ Hazel Paine
Highly Commended ~ Ocea Grant
Highly Commended ~ Ashleigh Webster
Highly Commended ~ Adrianne Breen
Entrants in performance order

1. Adrianne Breen
2. Piper Crookwell
3. Ocea Grant
4. Tamara Barry
5. Alessandra Papalia
6. Paityn McLennan
7. Bella Ottini
8. Kayla McKinnon
9. Gabriella Petroni
10. Vivienne Rothwell
12. Myra Yuen
13. Sarah Reedman
14. Hazel Paine
15. Sophia Evteeva
16. Darcey Peterson
17. Tiarne Galea
18. Luke Antcliffe
19. Lily Evans
20. Emma Cruttenden
21. Chloe Sullivan-Harvey
22. Yudam Kim
23. Anastacia Reinhardt
24. Dana Kym
26. Ruby Nable
28. Alana Frost
29. Charlie Brown
30. Samantha Luong
31. Olivia Knowles
32. Ashleigh Webster
34. Madeleine Konstantakos

Supported by National College of Dance
Monday 3 July, 5.30pm
Winner ~ Madeleine Konstantakos
2nd Place ~ Paityn McLennan
3rd Place ~ Tallulah Calvert
Highly Commended ~ Valentine Toussaint
Highly Commended ~ Alessandra Papalia
Highly Commended ~ Liahna Tria
Highly Commended ~ Eden Lawrence
Highly Commended ~ Bonni Bolam
Entrants in performance order

2. Elise Leahy
4. Liahna Tria
5. Madeleine Konstantakos
6. Charlie Duwner
7. Paityn McLennan
9. Sophie Shanks
10. Eden Lawrence
11. Lily Evans
12. Valentine Toussaint
13. Tallulah Calvert
14. Bethia Warren
15. Sophie Curkovic
17. Bonni Bolam
18. Bella Ottini
19. Alessandra Papalia

Supported by Ceccheti Ballet Australia

Thurs 6 July, 12:30pm

Winner ~ Bonni Bolam

2nd ~ Eden Lawrence

3rd ~ Mia Scott

H.C. Bella Ottini

H.C. Ashleigh Webster

Entrants in performance order

1. Lily Evans

2. Kayla McKinnon

4. Emma Cruttenden

5. Ocea Grant

6. Mia Scott

7. Bella Ottini

8. Eden Lawrence

9. Bonni Bolam

10. Ashleigh Webster

Supported by The John Lamble Foundation

Thursday 13 July, 8.00pm
Winner ~ Eden Lawrence
2nd Place ~ Bonni Bolam
3rd Place ~ Mia Scott
Highly Commended ~ Charli O’Brien
Highly Commended ~ Ocea Grant
Highly Commended ~ Bella Giblett
Entrants in performance order

1. Jaime Antcliffe
3. Ocea Grant
4. Charli O’Brien
5. Bonni Bolam
6. Mia Scott
7. Raine Saufoi
9. Ashleigh Webster
11. Bella Giblett
13. Kayla McKinnon
14. Lily Nelson
15. Ava Lingxi Meng
17. Eden Lawrence

Supported by Robert Albert AO & Elizabeth Albert
Tue 27 Jun, 13:45
Winner ~ Alexis Ceballos
2nd ~ Cayla Boys
3rd ~ Abbey Walpole
HC ~ Leo Carroll
HC ~ Sophie Van Eyk
HC ~ Halle Schatz
HC ~ Zakiah Hibbard 
Entrants in performance order
  1. Lucy Earl
  2. Isabelle Moore
  3. Zayde Martin
  4. Abbey Walpole
  5. Sophie Van Eyk
  6. Lily Szabo
  7. Leo Carroll
  8. Alanah white
  9. Halle Schatz
  10. Savannah Thorp
  11. Alexis Ceballos
  12. Zakiah Hibbard
  13. Cayla Boys
Supported by The Wenkart Foundation 
Tuesday 27 June, 9.45am
Winner ~ Sophie Van Eyk
2nd Place ~ Cayla Boys
3rd Place ~ Halle Schatz
Highly Commended ~ Lily Szabo
Highly Commended ~ Lucy Earl
Entrants in performance order

2. Abbey Walpole
3. Cayla Boys
4. Halle Schatz
6. Madeleine Hill
7. Beau Birch
8. Lucy Earl
9. Angelique McNeill
10. Savannah Thorp
11. Elise Falzon
12. Sophie Van Eyk
13. Zayde Martin
14. Lily Szabo
15. Saskia rowe
16. Tiarne Galea

Supported by The John Lamble Foundation
Thursday 6 July, 1.30pm
Winner ~ Mirella Nicolle
2nd Place ~ Hayley Choi
3rd Place ~ Seoyeon Park
Highly Commended ~ Mia Chenery
Entrants in performance order

1. Seoyeon Park
2. Mirella Nicolle
4. Hayley Choi
5. Mia Chenery

Supported by The John Lamble Foundation
Tue June 27, 2023 at 11.45am
Winner ~ Vivienne Evans
2nd ~ Jamie Kelly
3rd ~ Maya Balkin
Entrants in performance order
1.Maya Balkin
2. Jamie Kelly
3. Zayde Martin
4. Zakiah Hibbard
6. Vivienne Evans
Supported by Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund
Thursday 13 July, 10.30am
Winner ~ Ivy Maughan
2nd Place ~ Scarlett Weaver
3rd Place ~ India-Rose Macé
Highly Commended ~ Brent Helm
Highly Commended ~ Thea Mellis
Highly Commended ~ Tara Nunn
Highly Commended ~ Charli O’Brien
Highly Commended ~ Eadie Jennings
Highly Commended ~ Annabelle Seo
Highly Commended ~ Louis Alexiou
Highly Commended ~ Raine Saufoi
Entrants in performance order

1. Bonny Siew
4. Thea Mellis
6. Mackenzie Murphy
7. Ivy Maughan
8. Juliet Whelan
9. Savannah Hill
10. Charli O’Brien
11. Annabelle Seo
12. Genevieve Ferris
13. India-Rose Macé
14. Elsie Ord
15. Myah Stewart
16. Kayne Colby
17. Tara Nunn
18. Scarlett Weaver
19. Eden Steinhardt
20. Shian Beeston
21. Joel Reynolds
22. Louis Alexiou
23. Zara McAllan-Yem
24. Raine Saufoi
25. Eadie Jennings
26. Victoria Hamilton
27. Brent Helm
28. Julia Domingues

Supported by The Wenkart Foundation
Monday 3 July, 8.00am
Winner ~ Thea Mellis
2nd Place ~ Annabelle Seo
3rd Place ~ Ivy Maughan
Highly Commended ~ Brent Helm
Highly Commended ~ Julia Domingues
Highly Commended ~ Charli O’Brien
Highly Commended ~ Louis Alexiou
Highly Commended ~ Kayne Colby
Highly Commended ~ Eden Steinhardt
Highly Commended ~ Sophia Boyd
Entrants in performance order

1. India-Rose Macé
2. Lewis Nicholson
3. Brent Helm
5. Louis Alexiou
6. Annabelle Seo
7. Thea Mellis
8. Isabelle Orr
10. Mackenzie Murphy
11. Harriet Barnett
13. Eadie Jennings
14. Genevieve Ferris
15. Ivy Maughan
16. Joel Reynolds
17. Anna Stephensen
18. Alyna Korbel
19. Savannah Hill
20. Raine Saufoi
21. Elsie Ord
22. Summer Hurdwell
23. Victoria Hamilton
24. Sala David
25. Elissa Fan
26. Kiera Sakaguchi
27. Juliet Whelan
29. Sophia House
30. Charli O’Brien
31. Zara McAllan-Yem
32. Kayne Colby
33. Amy Ainscough
34. Sophia Boyd
35. Eden Steinhardt
36. Bonny Siew
38. Myles Goodwin
40. Julia Domingues
41. Jessica Jackson

Supported by Robert Albert AO & Elizabeth Albert
Monday 10 July, 6.00pm
Winner ~ Charli O’Brien
2nd Place ~ Eden Steinhardt
3rd Place ~ Abigail Woods
Highly Commended ~ Matilda Feledy
Highly Commended ~ Savannah Hill
Highly Commended ~ Ivy Maughan
Highly Commended ~ Louis Alexiou
Highly Commended ~ Mackenzie Murphy
Highly Commended ~ Raine Saufoi
Highly Commended ~ India-Rose Macé
Entrants in performance order

1. Savannah Thode
2. Mia Cohen
3. Ruby Bernardine
4. Angelique McNeill
5. Zara McAllan-Yem
6. Mackenzie Murphy
7. Savannah Hill
8. Raine Saufoi
9. Eden Steinhardt
10. Anna Stephensen
12. Victoria Hamilton
13. Annabelle Seo
14. India-Rose Macé
15. Imogen Mejia
16. Genevieve Ferris
17. Kayne Colby
18. Joel Reynolds
19. Charli O’Brien
20. Louis Alexiou
23. Lewis Nicholson
24. Sophia House
25. Thea Mellis
26. Juliet Whelan
27. Savannah Wouters
28. Jessica Robinson
29. Julia Domingues
30. Matilda Feledy
31. Ivy Maughan
32. Quincy Wang
33. Jayda Atkinson
34. Brent Helm
36. Abigail Woods
37. Harriet Barnett
39. zoe carnevale
40. Eadie Jennings
41. Elsie Ord
42. Haylee Phillipps-Lewis

Supported by The John Lamble Foundation
Friday 21 July, 4.30pm
Winner ~ Elih Egan
2nd Place ~ Charli O’Brien
3rd Place ~ Brent Helm
Highly Commended ~ Joel Reynolds
Highly Commended ~ Mackenzie Murphy
Highly Commended ~ Mia Cohen
Highly Commended ~ Lukas Siganos
Highly Commended ~ Elsie Ord
Highly Commended ~ Sophia House
Entrants in performance order

1. Jayda Atkinson
2. Savannah Hill
3. Mackenzie Murphy
4. Myah Stewart
5. Elih Egan
6. Sophia House
7. Jessica Robinson
8. Charli O’Brien
9. Tara Sanhueza
10. Angelique McNeill
11. Elissa Fan
13. Lukas Siganos
14. Shian Beeston
17. Matilda Feledy
19. Brent Helm
20. Amy Ainscough
21. Imogen Mejia
22. Victoria Hamilton
23. Mia Cohen
25. Audrey Barwik
29. Quincy Wang
30. Elsie Ord
31. zoe carnevale
33. Anna Stephensen
35. Joel Reynolds

Supported by The John Lamble Foundation
Mon 3 Jul, 4:30pm
Winner ~ Elsie Ord
2nd ~ Annabelle Seo
3rd ~ Brent Helm
HC ~ Isabelle Orr
HC ~ Eadie Jennings
HC ~ Charli O’Brien
HC ~ Joel Reynolds
HC ~ Mia Cohen
Entrants in performance order
  1. Alyna Korbel
  2. Brent Helm
  3. Amy Ainscough
  4. Isabelle Orr
  5. Joel Reynolds
  6. Summer Hurdwell
  7. Eadie Jennings
  8. Elsie Ord
  9. Annabelle Seo
  10. Charli O’Brien
  11. Mia Cohen
Supported by The John Lamble Foundation
Thursday 6 July, 11.30am
Winner ~ Charli O’Brien
2nd Place ~ Sienna Starkey
3rd Place ~ Angelique McNeill
Highly Commended ~ Raine Saufoi
Entrants in performance order

1. Abbey Walpole
2. Emmanuelle Graves
3. Brent Helm
4. Savannah Hill
5. Raine Saufoi
6. Charli O’Brien
7. Angelique McNeill
8. Lewis Nicholson
9. Evie Bellamy
10. Mirella Nicolle
11. Savannah Thode
12. Sienna Starkey

Supported by Susan Fox

Thur 13 July, 2pm 

Winner ~ Anneke Soulis 

2nd ~ Alexandra Pupovac 

3rd ~ Piper Vimpani 

HC ~ Natahlia Bogovac 

HC ~ Lily Nelson 

HC ~ Ava Lingxi Meng 

HC ~ Mimi Yashio 

HC ~ Ingrid Grow 

HC ~ Madeleine Rose Birks-Tong 

Entrants in performance order 

1          Grace Kearney 

2          Sophie Robinson 

4          Sophia Edwards-Alm 

5          Anneke Soulis 

6          Lily Nelson 

7          Jada Mostyn 

9          Olivia Harding 

10        Samuel McGuire 

11        Julieta Maillet 

13        Natahlia Bogovac 

14        Jaime Antcliffe 

15        Charlize Blundell 

16        Piper Vimpani 

17        Ava Lingxi Meng 

18        Mimi Yashio 

20        Ingrid Grow 

21        Arcadia Manton 

24        Madeleine Rose Birks-Tong 

25        Jasmine Hooper 

26        Alexandra Pupovac 

Supported by: The Wenkart Foundation 

Saturday 22 July, 12.00pm
Winner ~ Alexandra Pupovac
2nd Place ~ Irene Kim
3rd Place ~ Milania Franklin
Highly Commended ~ Mimi Yashio
Highly Commended ~ Adabelle Lee
Highly Commended ~ Chelsy Diec
Highly Commended ~ Anneke Soulis
Entrants in performance order

1. Anneke Soulis
2. Alba Michelle Ngai
3. Kokoha Niwa
4. Mimi Yashio
5. Irene Kim
7. Harper Low
8. Sophia Edwards-Alm
9. Emily Kong
10. Jaime Antcliffe
11. Audrey Baker
13. Molly Crompton
14. Alexandra Pupovac
15. Samuel McGuire
16. Rebekah Barden
17. Adabelle Lee
18. Chelsy Diec
19. Watson Faulkner
20. India Thrum
21. Ingrid Grow
22. Leanne Wong
23. Harriet Rouse
24. Natahlia Bogovac
25. Megumi Ishii
26. Adora Malone
27. Sophie Robinson
28. Elin Ng
29. Grace Kearney
31. Jasmine Hooper
32. Jessamy Facer
33. Madeleine Rose Birks-Tong
34. Artemis De Lacharrière
35. Matilda Byrne
36. Piper Vimpani
37. Amelie Newham
38. Annabel Stephens
39. Sophie Lukin
40. Alyssa Ye
43. Charlize Blundell
44. Ava Lingxi Meng
45. Sophia Robbins
46. Madeleine Hart
47. Milania Franklin
48. Bree Stobie
49. Jada Mostyn

Supported by Capezio

Sun 16 July, 12:30pm 

Winner ~ Sophie Lukin 

2nd ~ Ava Lingxi Meng 

3rd ~ Jaime Antcliffe 

HC ~ Mei Yushita 

HC ~ Eunwoo Kim 

HC ~ Hannah Collis 

Entrants in performance order 

1          Alexandra Pupovac 

2          Arcadia Manton 

3          Jaime Antcliffe 

4          Dominique Southwood 

5          Mimi Yashio 

6          Sophie Lukin 

7          Natahlia Bogovac 

8          Anneke Soulis 

9          Isabell Belinic-Barnett 

10        Jessamy Facer 

11        Seoyeon Park 

12        Grace Kearney 

13        Alyssa Ye 

14        Molly Crompton 

15        Asha Lambos 

16        Elin Ng 

17        Mei Yushita 

18        Sarah Ho 

19        Amily Laybutt 

20        Annabel Stephens 

21        Ava Lingxi Meng 

22        Samuel McGuire 

23        Watson Faulkner 

24        Olivia Harding 

25        Irene Kim 

26        Eunwoo Kim 

27        Hannah Collis 

28        Mila Jade Cullen 

29        Isabella Yeo 

30        Abigail Fahey 

31        Piper Vimpani 

32        Jasmine Hooper 

33        Faith Hong 

34        Lily Nelson 

35        Jada Mostyn 

36        Sophia Edwards-Alm 

37        Amy Bergheim 

39        Charlize Blundell 

Supported by: National College of Dance 

Sunday 16 July, 6.30pm
Winner ~ Anneke Soulis
2nd Place ~ Natahlia Bogovac
3rd Place ~ Sophie Lukin
Highly Commended ~ Piper Vimpani
Highly Commended ~ Mimi Yashio
Highly Commended ~ Savannah Le Loux
Highly Commended ~ Isabella Yeo
Highly Commended ~ Samuel McGuire
Highly Commended ~ Ava Lingxi Meng
Highly Commended ~ Jasmine Hooper
Entrants in performance order

1. Piper Vimpani
2. Phoebe Sun
3. Sophia Edwards-Alm
4. Jasmine Hooper
5. Anneke Soulis
7. Isabella Yeo
8. Sophia Moriarty
9. Asha Lambos
10. Amily Laybutt
11. Sophie Lukin
12. Hannah Collis
13. Jada Mostyn
14. Miley Votano
17. Jaime Antcliffe
18. Abigail Fahey
20. Grace Kearney
21. Natahlia Bogovac
22. Ava Lingxi Meng
23. Mimi Yashio
25. Lily Nelson
26. Sophie Robinson
27. Irene Kim
28. Mayurie Sivananthan
29. Samuel McGuire
30. Mei Yushita
31. Savannah Le Loux

Supported by Capezio
Saturday 22 July, 3.00pm
Winner ~ Audrey Baker
2nd Place ~ Alexandra Pupovac
3rd Place ~ Piper Vimpani
Highly Commended ~ Anneke Soulis
Highly Commended ~ Jessamy Facer
Highly Commended ~ Natahlia Bogovac
Highly Commended ~ Jasmine Hooper
Highly Commended ~ Jada Mostyn
Entrants in performance order

1. Emily Boyd
2. Ava Lingxi Meng
3. Grace Kearney
4. Jada Mostyn
6. Jessamy Facer
7. Samuel McGuire
8. Mimi Yashio
9. Charlize Blundell
10. Sophie Lukin
11. Piper Vimpani
12. Madeleine Rose Birks-Tong
13. Adora Malone
14. Alexandra Pupovac
16. Artemis De Lacharrière
17. Natahlia Bogovac
18. Jasmine Hooper
19. Ingrid Grow
20. Audrey Baker
23. Anneke Soulis
24. Sophie Robinson
25. Bree Stobie

Supported by Capezio

Thurs Jul 6, 10.45am

Winner ~ Natahlia Bogovac

2nd ~ Eunwoo Kim

3rd ~ Mimi Yashio

Entrants in performance order

1. Molly Crompton

2. Mimi Yashio

3. Sophia Moriarty

4. Natahlia Bogovac

5. Ava Lingxi Meng

7. Jada Mostyn

8. Eunwoo Kim

9. Calinda Diacopoulos

12. Jaime Antcliffe

Supported by Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund

Tue 27 Jun, 9:00am
Winner ~ Aluka Joyce
2nd ~ Sophie Van Eyk
3rd ~ Alexis Ceballos
Entrants in performance order:
  1. Cassidy Southwood
  2. Vivienne Evans
  3. Aluka Joyce
  4. Leo Carroll
  5. Zakiah Hibbard
  6. Lucy Earl
  7. Isabelle Moore
  8. Savannah Thorp
  9. Sophie Van Eyk
  10. Alexis Ceballos
  11. Alanah White
Supported by The John Lamble Foundation
Thurs 13 July, 9am
Winner ~ Livinia Hamilton
2nd ~ Heidi Li
3rd ~ Eloise Rose Mahoney 
HC ~ Hayley Irwin
HC ~ Siena Duong 
Entrants in performance order
6     Lacey Dotti
7     Lucy Mitchell
8     Elsie Bolte

Supported by: The Wenkart Foundation

Sat 15 July, 6pm 

Winner ~ Livinia Hamilton 

2nd ~ Jurie Jung 

3rd ~ Celeste Robinson 

HC ~ Eloise Rose Mahoney 

HC ~ Maya Wei 

HC ~ Alice Grove 

HC ~ Lile Farnon 

HC ~ Heidi Li 

HC ~ Keira Dignam 

HC ~ Gisele Field 

HC ~ Yuna Choi 

HC ~ Jasmine Nunn 

HC ~ Imogen Stephens 

Entrants in performance order 

1          Lucinda Hill 

3          Rose MacRae 

4          Siena Duong 

5          Yani Poon 

6          Livinia Hamilton 

8          Amelia Ng 

9          Celeste Robinson 

10        Clara Micallef 

11        Emmanuelle Liem 

12        Sia Rupil 

13        Oliver Mitchell 

14        Eloise Rose Mahoney 

15        Elsie Bolte 

16        Maya Wei 

17        Elena Trevan 

18        Olivia Xu 

19        Alice Grove 

20        Amanda Koulos 

21        Lile Farnon 

22        Peaches Zhang 

23        Heidi Li 

24        Charlotte Broadfoot 

25        Jurie Jung 

28        Eva Collins 

29        Hayley Irwin 

30        Keira Dignam 

31        Ada Wong 

33        Mahli Meehan 

34        Gisele Field 

35        Isabella Davie 

36        Penny Sherman 

37        Ingrid Soerensen 

38        Yuna Choi 

39        Jasmine Nunn 

40        Walter Burke 

41        Gabriella Papalia 

42        Imogen Stephens 

43        Adeline Ho 

44        Lacey Dotti 

45        Lucy Mitchell 

46        Ava Windeisen 

Supported by: National College of Dance 

Sun 16 July, 11am 

Winner ~ Heidi Li 

2nd ~ Eloise Rose Mahoney 

3rd ~ Yuna Choi 

HC ~ Willow Duncan 

HC ~ Celeste Robinson 

HC ~ Livinia Hamilton 

HC ~ Jurie Jung 

Entrants in performance order 

1          Willow Duncan 

2          Amelia Ng 

3          Celeste Robinson 

4          Hayley Choi 

5          Siena Duong 

6          Livinia Hamilton 

8          Heidi Li 

9          Hayley Irwin 

10        Eloise Rose Mahoney 

11        Isabella Davie 

12        Hannah Lee 

13        Imogen Stephens 

14        Rose MacRae 

15        Yuna Choi 

16        Lile Farnon 

17        Jurie Jung 

18        Jasmine Nunn 

19        Alice Grove 

20        Elsie Bolte 

21        Ava Windeisen 

22        Lacey Dotti  

Supported by: The Estate of the late Leslie Andrews 

Sunday 16 July, 5.30pm

Winner ~ Livinia Hamilton
2nd Place ~ Isabella Davie
3rd Place ~ Eloise Rose Mahoney
Highly Commended ~ Jasmine Nunn
Entrants in performance order

1. Heidi Li
2. Lile Farnon
3. Eloise Rose Mahoney
4. Jasmine Nunn
5. Livia Nixon
6. William Zeng
7. Alice Grove
8. Isabella Davie
9. Hayley Irwin
10. Livinia Hamilton
13. Hannah Lee
14. Yuna Choi
15. Lacey Dotti
16. Ava Windeisen

Supported by Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund

Sat 15 July, 5:30pm 

Winner ~ Yuna Choi 

2nd ~ Jasmine Dang 

3rd ~ Lucinda Hill 

HC ~ Eloise Rose Mahoney 

HC ~ Siena Duong 

HC ~ Lucy Mitchell 

Entrants in performance order 

1          Mahli Meehan 

2          Yani Poon 

4          Olivia Xu 

5          Siena Duong 

6          Lucinda Hill 

7          Hayley Irwin 

8          Eloise Rose Mahoney 

9          Charlotte Broadfoot 

10        Jasmine Dang 

11        Yuna Choi 

12        Gabriella Papalia 

13        Lucy Mitchell 

Supported by: Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund  

Thurs Jul 6, 09:45

Winner ~Livinia Hamilton

2nd ~  Lacey Dotti

3rd ~ Charlotte Cruz

H.C. Alice Grove

H.C. Olympia Arvanitellis

Entrants in performance order

1. Hannah Lee

2. Alanah white

3. Livinia Hamilton

4. Zoe Ru

5. Lucy Moses

6. Lacey Dotti

7. Alice Grove

8. Ava Windeisen

9. Olympia Arvanitellis

11. Charlotte Cruz

Supported by Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund

Sat 15 July, 10:30am
Winner ~ Kyra Kenihan
2nd ~ Lucy Miller
3rd ~ Milla Calyk
HC ~ Anastasia Gardner
HC ~ Piper Casey
HC ~ Mia Curtis
HC ~ Chloe Ng
HC ~ Eva Giang
HC ~ Claire Gao
HC ~ Georgia Feledy
HC ~ Sofia Ovakimian
HC ~ Cleo Bell
HC ~ Stella Robertson
HC ~ Annika Whelan
HC ~ Suzanne Liu
Entrants in performance order:  
1. Celia Morris
2. Zara Iqbal
3. Neve Howard
4. Suzanne Liu
5. Brianna Chen
6. Willow McDonough
7. Anastasia Gardner
8. Piper Casey
9. Tiantian He
10. Duomi Xu
12. Mia Curtis
13. Chloe Ng
14. Lila McCosker
15. Anna Jackson
16. Eve Watanangura
17. Kyra Kenihan
18. Eva Giang
19. Claire Gao
20. Annabelle Arkit
21. Sophia Murray
22. Lucy Miller
23. Sofia Ovakimian
24. Cleo Bell
25. Stella Robertson
26. Olivia Headley
27. Bronte Church
28. Harper Yan
29. Angela Hayeon Lee
30. Soraya Perry
31. Annika Whelan
32. Kendra Atkinson
33. Milla Calyk
34. Mila Patsiatzis
35.Georgia Feledy
36. Charlotte Zhang
Supported by The John Lamble Foundation

Sun 16 July, 9:30am 


Winner ~ Suzanne Liu

2nd ~ Charlotte Whittaker

3rd ~ Georgia Feledi 

HC ~ Duomi Xu 

HC ~ Lucy Miller

HC ~ Kyra Kenihan

HC ~ Teleah Ward 


Entrants in performance order 

1    Charlotte Whittaker

2  Annabelle Arkit
3  Sarah Stephens
5  Lila McCosker
6  Soraya Perry
8  Ruby Thomas
9  Stella Robertson
10 Duomi Xu
11 Lucy Miller
12 Lucy Earl
13 Kyra Kenihan
14 Cleo Bell
15 Georgia Feledy
16 Annika Whelan
17 Suzanne Liu
18 Sophia Murray
19 Rebecca Xiong
20 Brielle Papoutsakis
21 Taleah Ward 


Supported by: The John Lamble Foundation

Sun 16 Jul, 4:00pm
Winner ~ Georgia Feledy
2nd ~ Lucy Miller
3rd ~ Cleo Bell
HC ~ Milla Calyk
HC ~ Bronte Church
HC ~ Sophia Murray
HC ~ Taleah Ward
Entrants in performance order
  1. Celia Morris
  2. Milla Calyk
  3. Bronte Church
  4. Cleo Bell
  5. Neve Howard
  6. Audrey Plowman
  7. Annabelle Arkit
  8. Sofia Ovakimian
  9. Madeleine Mahady
  10. Lucy Miller
  11. Charlotte Whittaker
  12. Suzanne Liu
  13. Lucy Earl
  14. Eliana Lee
  15. Sophia Murray
  16. Ruby Thomas
  17. Stella Robertson
  18. Sarah Stephens
  19. Georgia Feledy
  20. Taleah Ward
  21. Brielle Papoutsakis
Supported by Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund

Sat 15 July, 4:30pm 

Winner ~ Milla Calyk 

2nd ~ Lucy Miller 

3rd ~ Anastasia Gardner 

HC ~ Mia Curtis 

HC ~ Kendra Atkinson 

HC ~ Kendra Atkinson 

HC ~ Duomi Xu 

Entrants in performance order 

1          Sophia Murray 

2          Piper Casey 

3          Stella Robertson 

4          Mia Curtis 

5          Lila McCosker 

6          Annabelle Arkit 

7          Celia Morris 

8          Anastasia Gardner 

9          Zara Iqbal 

10        Lucy Miller 

11        Phoebe Rouse 

12        Olivia Headley 

13        Kendra Atkinson 

14        Milla Calyk 

15        Kendra Atkinson 

16        Duomi Xu  

Supported by: Cecchetti Ballet Australia Inc. (NSW) 

Thur Jul 6, 9.15am

Winner ~ Ruby Thomas

2nd ~ Sophia Murray

3rd ~ Lucy Earl

Entrants in performance order

1. Madeleine Mahady

2. Ruby Thomas

4. Taleah Ward

5. Lucy Earl

6. Sophia Murray

Supported by Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund

Sat 15 July, 1:30pm 

Winner ~ Lauren Li 

2nd ~ Iris Liu 

3rd ~ Emily Luscombe 

HC ~ Bianca Trani 

HC ~ Ruby Waples 

HC ~ Scarlett Bortz 

HC ~ Adelina Gagovski 

HC ~ Ansika Hewapathirane 

HC ~ Arabella Hartshorn 

HC ~ Amelie Daravong 

HC ~ Phoebe Lawrence 

HC ~ Bella Ngai 

HC ~ Rubie Doecke 

Entrants in performance order  

1          Aria Weinstein 

2          Bianca Trani 

3          Victoria Shepetukhina 

4          Adelaide Strickland 

5          Ruby Waples 

6          Tiffany Ma 

8          Scarlett Bortz 

9          Scarlett Mahanidis 

10        Adelina Gagovski 

11        Cailin Scully 

12        Ansika Hewapathirane 

13        Lauren Li 

14        Arabella Hartshorn 

15        Stephanie Pontifix 

16        Amelia Clisdell 

17        Paris Ningxi Liew 

18        Bonnimei Brannan 

19        Iris Liu 

20        Adeline Yin 

21        Willow Chan 

22        Avery Bell-Butchard 

23        Emily Luscombe 

24        Amelie Daravong 

25        Phoebe Lawrence 

26        Bella Ngai 

27        Rubie Doecke  

Supported by: Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund 

Sat 15 July, 9:30am 

Winner ~ Amelie Daravong 

2nd ~ Emily Luscombe 

3rd ~ Tiffany Ma 

HC ~ Ruby Waples 

HC ~ Arabella Hartshorn 

HC ~ Phoebe Lawrence 

HC ~ Scarlett Mahanidis 

HC ~ Paris Ningxi Liew 

Entrants in performance people 

1          Emily Luscombe 

2          Ruby Waples 

3          Arabella Hartshorn 

4          Phoebe Lawrence 

5          Adelaide Strickland 

6          Bonnimei Brannan 

7          Scarlett Mahanidis 

8          Tiffany Ma 

9          Amelie Daravong 

10        Adelina Gagovski 

11        Avery Bell-Butchard 

12        Paris Ningxi Liew 

13        Bianca Trani 

Supported by: Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund  

Sun 16 July 8:30am
Winner ~ Lauren Li
2nd ~ Ruby Waples
3rd ~ Emily Luscombe
HC ~ Willow Campbell
Entrants in performance order:
2. Harper Stempniak
3. Cailin Scully
4. Phoebe Lawrence
5. Ava Sergeant
6. Scarlett Mahanidis
7. Violet Massingham
10. Adelaide Strickland

Sun 16 July, 2:45pm 

Winner ~ Willow Campbell 

2nd ~ Emily Luscombe 

3rd ~ Lauren Li 

HC ~ Evalyn Johnson 

HC ~ Cailin Scully 

HC ~ Alexia Bogovac 

HC ~ Bianca Trani 

Entrants in performance order  

1          Scarlett Bortz 

2          Evalyn Johnson 

3          Avery Bell-Butchard 

4          Cailin Scully 

5          Gracie Holland 

6          Scarlett Mahanidis 

7          Phoebe Lawrence 

8          leeane liang 

9          Emily Luscombe 

10        ada wei 

11        Ruby Waples 

12        Willow Campbell 

13        Alexia Bogovac 

14        Harper Stempniak 

15        Ava Sergeant 

16        Jiayin Gong 

17        Lauren Li 

18        Bonnimei Brannan 

19        Bianca Trani 

Supported by: Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund 

Thursday 6 July, 8.30am
Winner ~ Willow Campbell
2nd Place ~ Lauren Li
3rd Place ~ Violet Massingham
Entrants in performance order

1. Willow Campbell
2. Lauren Li
3. Ava Sergeant
4. Emily Luscombe
5. Violet Massingham

Supported by Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund

Sat 15 July, 8:30am 

Winner ~ Willow Campbell 

2nd ~ Sanbi Guest 

3rd ~ Evalyn Johnson 

HC ~ Evie Tsouskas 

HC ~ Violet Massingham 

HC ~ Lani El-Helou 

Entrants in performance order 

1          Anneliese Bell 

3          Nadia Iqbal 

4          Laila Breen 

5          Evie Tsouskas 

6          Violet Massingham 

7          Evalyn Johnson 

8          Josephine Moran 

9          Mahli Martin 

10        Willow Campbell 

11        Lani El-Helou 

12        SANBI GUEST  

Supported by: Cecchetti Ballet Australia Inc. (NSW) 

Sat 15 July, 1pm 

Winner ~ Willow Campbell 

2nd ~ Nadia Iqbal 


HC ~ Lani El-Helou 

HC ~ Mahli Martin 

Entrants in performance order 

1          Nadia Iqbal 

2          SANBI GUEST 

3          Lani El-Helou 

4          Mahli Martin 

5          Willow Campbell 

Supported by: Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund  

Mon 10 July, 11:15am
Winner ~ Molly Paine, Erika Stothard, Annabelle Howison
2nd ~ Watson Faulkner, Leanne Wong
3rd ~ Jake McDonnell McDonnell, Emily Boyd
HC ~ Olivia Kim, Angela Hayeon Lee, Amber Park
Entrants in performance order 
1     Watson Faulkner, Leanne Wong
2     Molly Paine, Erika Stothard, Annabelle Howison
3     Max Curnoe-Cheng, Amelia Newton
4     Jake McDonnell McDonnell, Emily Boyd
5     Tahlia Tang, Fangjiao Xu
6     Olivia Kim, Angela Hayeon Lee, Amber Park
Supported by: The Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund
Mon 10 July, 5:30pm
Winner ~ Chloe Sulivan Harvey, Finley Adams
2nd ~ Eloise Watts, Kataraina Poata
3rd ~ Kiara Mok, Eden Hunter
HC ~ Ava Micallef, Adrianne Breen, Madeleine Konstantakos
Entrants in performance order 
1     Matilda Feledy, Jessica Robinson
2     Cooper Edwards, Caitlin Lovett, Bridie Hanrahan
3     Chloe Sulivan Harvey, Finley Adams
4     Eloise Watts, Kataraina Poata
5     Dante Minassian, Chloe Scamps
8     Kiara Mok, Eden Hunter
9     Ava Micallef, Adrianne Breen, Madeleine Konstantakos
Supported by: The Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund

Tues 11 July, 12:45pm 

Winner ~ Eileen Jeon, Dakota Dang 

2nd ~ Taylea Rend, Abigail Byrne, Mia Young 

3rd ~ Isabella Driver, Sophie Dang 

HC ~ Gabrielle Fazl, Alisa Leung 

Entrants in performance order 

1          Gabrielle Fazl, Alisa Leung 

2          Isabella Driver, Sophie Dang 

3          Maddison Ebeyer, Lexi Goodman 

4          Taylea Rend, Abigail Byrne, Mia Young 

5          Eileen Jeon, Dakota Dang  

Supported by: Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund 

Wed 12 July, 4:30pm 


Winner ~ Seoyeon Park, Hayley Choi 

2nd ~ Allegra Lovatt, Mia Mok 

3rd ~ Kiran Gallego Sivaraman, Noam Zemack 


Entrants in performance order 

1          Seoyeon Park, Hayley Choi 

2          Kiran Gallego Sivaraman, Noam Zemack 

3          Allegra Lovatt, Mia Mok 

4          Lillyah Rafferty, Emma Cruttenden 


Supported by: Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund  

Mon 10 July, 11:45am
Winner ~ TJS Dance Academy
2nd ~ Tanya Pearson Academy
3rd ~ The Dance Establishment
HC ~ Rogerson College of Classical and Contemporary Dance
HC ~ L’Academie
Entrants in performance order 
1     TJS Dance Academy
2     Tanya Pearson Academy
3     Rogerson College of Classical and Contemporary Dance
4     L’Academie
5     The Dance Establishment
Supported by The Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund

Tues 11 July, 1:30pm 

Winner ~ Dance North Academy 

2nd ~ National College of Dance-Troupe B 

3rd ~ L’Academie 

HC ~ Rogerson College of Classical and Contemporary Dance 

HC ~ Alegria dance Studios 

Entrants in performance order 

1          National College of Dance-Troupe B 

2          Rogerson College of Classical and Contemporary Dance 

3          BWA Regional Performance Contemporary 

6          CDC STUDIOS 

7          Stepping Out Dance Factory 

8          L’Academie 

9          Dance North Academy 

10        Serenade Ballet Academy 

11        Alegria dance Studios 

12        Mosman Dance Academy 

Supported by: Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund  

Tues 11 July, 3pm 


Winner ~ Dance North Academy 


3rd ~ L’Academie 

HC ~ Tanya Pearson Academy 


Entrants in performance order 

1          L’Academie 

2          Rogerson College of Classical and Contemporary Dance 

3          Stepping out Dance Factory 

4          Mosman Dance Academy 

5          Tanya Pearson Academy 

6          BWA Regional Performance Lyrical 

7          CDC STUDIOS 

8          Dance North Academy  


Supported by: Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund  

Wed 12 July, 5:30pm


Winner ~ Stepping Out Dance Factory

2nd ~ Miss Rhythmics


Entrants in performance order

1     Miss Rhythmics
2     Stepping Out Dance Factory



Supported by: Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund 

Mon 10 July, 12:45pm
Winner ~ The McDonald College
2nd ~ Rogerson College of Classical and Contemporary Dance
3rd ~ L’Academie
HC ~ Van Loon Dance Academy Group A 12U
HC ~ First Position Australia 
Entrants in performance order 
1     Rogerson College of Classical and Contemporary Dance
2     Mahanaim
3     L’Academie
4     The McDonald College
5     Van Loon Dance Academy Group A 12U
6     Serenade Ballet Academy
7     First Position Australia
Supported by: The Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund
Mon 10 July, 4:45pm
Winner ~ Rogerson College of Classical and Contemporary Dance
2nd ~ Tanya Pearson Academy 12
3rd ~ Tanya Pearson Academy 10
Entrants in performance order
1     Tanya Pearson Academy 10
2     Rogerson College of Classical and Contemporary Dance
3     Tanya Pearson Academy 12
Supported by: Tania Lamble 
Mon 12 July, 9am
Winner ~ The McDonald College
2nd ~ TJS Dance Academy
3rd ~ L’Academie
HC ~ Van Loon Dance Academy Group A 12U
Entrants in performance order 
1    Van Loon Dance Academy Group B 8u
2    Van Loon Dance Academy Group A 12U
3    L’Academie
4    The McDonald College
5    TJS Dance Academy
Supported by: Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund
Tue 27 Jun, 1:30pm
Winner ~ Janice Breen Performance Studio
Entrants in performance order
1. Janice Breen Performance Studio
Supported by Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund

Sunday 23 July, 2.00pm

Winner Jury Award ~ Ablaze Dance Academy Open Contemporary
Winner People’s Choice ~ Ablaze Dance Academy Open Contemporary

Entrants in performance order

1. Ablaze Dance Academy Open Ballet
2. Redlands Ballet and Dance Academy
3. National College of Dance
4. 2 Step Dance
5. Ablaze Dance Academy Open Contemporary
6. Albany Creek State High School

Supported by Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund

Mon 10 July, 2:45pm
Winner ~ Ablaze Dance Academy
2nd ~ Tanya Pearson Academy
3rd ~ The McDonald College
HC ~ Danceworks Sydney
HC ~ National College of Dance
HC ~ Mosman Dance Academy / Sydney Ballet School
Entrants in performance order 
1     National College of Dance
2     The Dance Establishment
3     Danceworks Sydney
4     The McDonald College
5     Alegria Dance Studios
6     Tanya Pearson Academy
8     Ablaze Dance Academy
9     Mosman Dance Academy / Sydney Ballet School
10    North Shore Dance Academy
Supported by: Tanya Pearson Academy 

Tue 11 July, 3:45pm 


Winner ~ Ablaze Dance Academy 

2nd ~ National College of Dance B 

3rd ~ TJS Dance Academy 

HC ~ Dance North Academy B 

HC ~ 2Step Dance 

HC ~ Vanessa Lee Dance Academy 


Entrants in performance order 

1          Dance North Academy B 

2          Ablaze Dance Academy 

3          National College of Dance B 

4          The McDonald College 

5          Tanya Pearson Academy A 

6          The Dance Establishment 

7          Tanya Pearson Academy B 

8          Dance North Academy 

10        2Step Dance 

11        TJS Dance Academy 

12        Alegria Dance Studios 

13        CDC STUDIOS 

14        Vanessa Lee Dance Academy 

15        National College of Dance -Troupe A 

16        North Shore Dance Academy  


Supported by: Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund  

Tues 11 July, 11:15am 


Winner ~ National College of Dance 

2nd ~ Dance North Academy 

3rd ~ Vanessa Lee Dance Academy 

HC ~ TJS Dance Academy 


HC ~ The McDonald College 


Entrants in performance order 

1          The Dance Establishment 

2          Dance North Academy 

2          CDC STUDIOS 

3          TJS Dance Academy 

6          Dance North Academy 

7          Vanessa Lee Dance Academy 

8          2Step Dance 

10        National College of Dance 

11        The McDonald College 

12        Sydney North Public Schools Dance Ensemble 

13        Colour City Dance  


Supported by: Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund  

Wed 12 July, 8pm 


Winner ~ 2step Dance 

2nd ~ National College of Dance 

3rd ~ Vanessa Lee Dance Academy 

HC ~ Dance North Academy A 

HC ~ TJS Dance Academy 

HC ~ Ablaze Dance Academy 


HC ~ Dance North Academy 


Entrants in performance order 

1          National College of Dance 

2          Vanessa Lee Dance Academy 

3          Dance North Academy A 

4          2Step Dance 

5          TJS Dance Academy 

6          Ablaze Dance Academy 

7          CDC STUDIOS 

8          Dance North Academy 


Supported by: Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund  

Wed 12 July, 4pm 


Winner ~ TJS Dance Academy 

2nd ~ Ablaze Dance Academy  


Entrants in performance order 

1          TJS Dance Academy 

2          Ablaze Dance Academy 


Supported by: Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund 

Tue 27 Jun, 11:30am
Winner ~ Janice Breen Performance Studio 
Entrants in performance order
  1. Janice Breen Performance Studio
Supported by Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund
Mon 10 July, 1:30pm 
Winner ~ National College of Dance
2nd ~ En Pointe Studios
3rd ~ The McDonald College
HC ~ The Dance Establishment
HC ~ Tanya Pearson Academy
HC ~ North Shore Dance Academy
Entrants in performance order 
1     The McDonald College
2     En Pointe Studios
3     The Dance Establishment
5     National College of Dance
6     Tanya Pearson Academy
7     North Shore Dance Academy
Supported by: Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund 

Mon 10 July, 4pm 

Winner ~ Dance North Academy 

2nd ~ North Shore Dance Academy 

3rd ~ National College of Dance 

HC ~ The McDonald College (12/u) 

Entrants in performance order 

2          National College of Dance 

3          Ablaze Dance Academy 

4          Dance North Academy 

5          The McDonald College (12/u) 

6          North Shore Dance Academy 

Supported by: Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund 

Tues 11 July, 10:45am 


Winner ~ Ablaze Dance Academy 

2nd ~ The McDonald College 

3rd ~ TJS Dance Academy 

HC ~ The Dance Establishment 

HC ~ Dance North Academy 


Entrants in performance order 

1          The McDonald College 

2          Ablaze Dance Academy 

3          TJS Dance Academy 

4          The Dance Establishment 

5          Dance North Academy 


Supported by: Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund  

Winner ~ National College of Dance

2nd ~ TJS

3rd ~ Ablaze Dance Academy

HC ~ Dance North Academy 


Entrants in performance order 

1     TJS

2   Dance North Academy
3   National College of Dance
4   Ablaze Dance Academy

Supported by: Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund 



Mon 10 July, 10:15am 

Winner ~ En Pointe Studios 

2nd ~ The McDonald College 

3rd ~ Tanya Pearson Academy 

HC ~ Mosman Dance Academy 

HC ~ North Shore Dance Academy 

Entrants in performance order  

1          The McDonald College 

4          En Pointe Studios 

5          Tanya Pearson Academy 

6          Mosman Dance Academy 

7          North Shore Dance Academy 

Supported by: Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund  



Tues 11 July, 2023  


Winner ~ TJS Dance Academy 

2nd ~ Dance North Academy 

3rd ~ L’Academie 

HC ~ Van Loon Dance Academy Group A 10U 

HC ~ The McDonald College 


Entrants in performance order  

1          Van Loon Dance Academy Group A 10U 

2          L’Academie 

3          The McDonald College 

4          TJS Dance Academy 

5          Dance North Academy  


Supported by: Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund 

Wed 12 July, 6pm 


Winner ~ TJS  


Entrants in performance order 

1    TJS 


Supported by: Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund  

Mon 10 July, 9am 

Winner ~ L’Academie 

2nd ~ Dance North Academy 

3rd ~ The McDonald College 

HC ~ Mosman Dance Academy 

Entrants in performance order 

1          Dance North Academy 

2          The McDonald College 

3          Tanya Pearson Academy 

4          Van Loon Dance Academy Group A 10U 

6          L’Academie 

7          Mosman Dance Academy 

8          North Shore Dance Academy 

Supported by: Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund  

Sunday 4 June, 3.00pm
Winner ~ Pymble Ladies College – C
2nd Place ~ Santa Sabina College
3rd Place ~ Redlands Ballet and Dance Academy
Highly Commended ~ Brigidine College – Company
Highly Commended ~ Oxford Falls Grammar Senior Company
Highly Commended ~ Ravenswood School for Girls
Highly Commended ~ Loreto Kirribilli
Highly Commended ~ Pymble Ladies College – B
Highly Commended ~ Pymble Ladies College – A
Entrants in performance order

1. Lindfield Learning Village
2. St Catherine’s School Sydney
3. Pymble Ladies College – A
4. Santa Sabina College
5. Monte Blue
6. Albany Creek State High School
7. Pymble Ladies College – B
8. Loreto Kirribilli
9. Barker Open Jazz – Red Troupe
10. Oxford Falls Grammar Senior Company
11. St Columba Anglican School
12. Ravenswood School for Girls
13. Pymble Ladies College – C
14. Melba Copland Secondary School
15. Monte Sant’ Angelo Musical Theatre troupe
16. Barker Open Jazz – Navy Troupe
17. Brigidine College – Ensemble
18. North Sydney Girls High School
19. Mercy Catholic College
20. Brigidine College – Company
21. MSCW Contemporary Empower
22. Abbotsleigh
23. Redlands Ballet and Dance Academy

Supported by Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund

Sun 4 May, 6:30pm

Winner ~ Santa Sabina College
2nd ~ Brigidine College – Company

3rd ~ St Ursula’s College
H.C. ~ Ravenswood School for Girls
H.C. ~ North Sydney Girls High School B



Entrants in performance order 

1. Santa Sabina College

2. Ravenswood School for Girls
3. Monte Blue
4. MSCW Empower Hip Hop
6. Mercy Catholic College
7. Brigidine College – Company
8. Barker Open Hip Hop Troupe
9. Wenona Senior Commercial
10. North Sydney Girls High School A
11. Melba Copland Secondary School
12. North Sydney Girls High School B
13. St Ursula’s College

Supported by Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund

Sun 4 Jun, 10am

Winner ~ Redlands Ballet & Dance Academy B

2nd ~ Brigidine College – Company
3rd ~ Albany Creek State High School – Group B
H.C. ~ Ravenswood School for Girls
H.C. ~ Redlands Ballet and Dance Academy A
Entrants in performance order 
1. Pymble Ladies College B
2. Barker Open Contemporary Troupe
3. Brigidine College – Company
4. St Ursula’s College, Toowoomba (QLD)
5. Redlands Ballet and Dance Academy A
6. Wenona Senior Contemporary
7. Bennies Contemporary Excel
8. Melba Copland Secondary School
9. Brigidine College – Ensemble
10. Pymble Ladies College C
11. Redlands Ballet and Dance Academy B
12. North Sydney Girls High School
13. Oxford Falls Grammar Senior Company
14. Albany Creek State High School – Group A
15. Pymble Ladies College A
16. Mercy Catholic College
17. Albany Creek State High School – Group B
18. MSCW Contemporary Empower
19. Queenwood School for Girls
20. Loreto Kirribilli
21. Santa Sabina College
22. Monte Blue
23. Ravenswood School for Girls
Supported by Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund

Sun 4 May, 5pm

Winner ~ Redlands Ballet and Dance Academy

2nd ~ Albany Creek State High School
3rd ~ Oxford Falls Grammar Junior Company
H.C. ~ Ku ring gai High
H.C. ~ Shore School

Entrants in performance order 

1. Barker Middle School Jazz Troupe
2. Albany Creek State High School

3. Ku ring gai High
4. Monte White
5. Wenona Middle Jazz
6. Shore School
8. Oxford Falls Grammar Junior Company
9. Melba Copland Secondary School
11. Redlands Ballet and Dance Academy

12. North Sydney Girls High School

Supported by Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund

Sun 4 Jun, 9am

Winner ~ Ku ring gai High

2nd ~ Albany Creek State High School
3rd ~ Oxford Falls Grammar Junior Company

H.C. ~ Inaburra School Intermediate Dance Ensemble

Entrants in performance order 

1. Albany Creek State High School

2. Inaburra School Intermediate Dance Ensemble
3. Melba Copland Secondary School
4. Monte White
5. Wenona
6. Oxford Falls Grammar Junior Company
7. North Sydney GIrls High School
9. Ku ring gai High
Supported by Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund
Sun 4 Jun, 1pm

Winner ~ Blaxland High School 

2nd ~ Albany Creek State High School
3rd ~ Lindfield Learning Village
H.C. ~ Barrenjoey High School Gold Dance Ensemble
H.C. ~ St Catherine’s School Sydney

H.C. ~ Abbotsleigh

H.C. ~ Oxford Falls Grammar Senior Company

Entrants in performance order 
2. Santa Sabina College
3. Queenwood School for Girls
4. St Catherine’s School Sydney
6. Blaxland High School
7. Barrenjoey High School Gold Dance Ensemble
8. Barker Open Lyrical Troupe
9. Abbotsleigh
10. Campbelltown Performing Arts High School Year 11 Dance Ensemble
12. Sydney Girls High School
13. Lindfield Learning Village
14. Oxford Falls Grammar Senior Company
16. St Columba Anglican School
17. Melba Copland Secondary School

18. Albany Creek State High School

Supported by The John Lamble Foundation
Sunday 30 July, 6.30pm
Winner ~ Loreto Kirribilli
2nd Place ~ Santa Sabina College
3rd Place ~ Pymble Ladies College
Highly Commended ~ Ravenswood School for Girls- Years 5-6 Jazz
Highly Commended ~ Killarney Heights Public School
Highly Commended ~ The Scots College Senior Preparatory Company
Entrants in performance order

1. St Michael’s Catholic Primary School (Daceyville)
2. Hornsby North Public School Boys’ Ensemble
3. Collaroy Plateau Public School B
4. Killarney Heights Public School
5. Loreto Kirribilli
6. Santa Sabina College
7. The Scots College Senior Preparatory Company
8. St Catherine’s School Sydney
9. Ravenswood School for Girls- Years 5-6 Jazz
10. Kincoppal-Rose Bay School
11. St Michael’s Catholic Primary School (Meadowbank)
12. Collaroy Plateau Public School A
13. Mortdale Orchestra
14. Pymble Ladies College

Supported by Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund
Sunday 30 July, 1.00pm
Winner ~ Queenwood School for Girls
2nd Place ~ Collaroy Plateau Public School A
3rd Place ~ South Coogee Senior Dance Ensemble
Highly Commended ~ Orange Grove Public School
Highly Commended ~ Collaroy Plateau Public School B
Highly Commended ~ Cammeray Public School
Entrants in performance order

1. Lindfield Learning Village
2. Collaroy Plateau Public School B
3. Hornsby North Public School Company
4. Queenwood School for Girls
5. Collaroy Plateau Public School A
6. Cammeray Public School
7. Orange Grove Public School
8. Lindfield Public School
9. South Coogee Senior Dance Ensemble
10. Burwood Public School

Supported by The John Lamble Foundation
Sunday 30 July, 5.30pm
Winner ~ Ravenswood School for Girls- Junior Hip Hop
2nd Place ~ Collaroy Plateau Public School
3rd Place ~ Mortdale Oldies
Highly Commended ~ Santa Sabina College
Highly Commended ~ Mona Vale Public School Boys Group
Highly Commended ~ St Aidan’s Senior Showgroup
Entrants in performance order

1. Rose Bay Public School
2. Barker College
3. St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School (Oatley)
4. Mowbray Public School Boys Hip Hop Ensemble
5. Turn Down for What
6. Mona Vale Public School Boys Group
7. St Aidan’s Senior Showgroup
8. St Aidan’s Junior Showgroup
9. Lindfield Public School
10. St Aidan’s Boys showgroup
11. Mortdale Oldies
12. Collaroy Plateau Public School
13. Ravenswood School for Girls- Junior Hip Hop
14. Santa Sabina College
15. St Patrick’s Sutherland Hip Hop group
16. St Patrick’s Sutherland boys show group

Supported by The John Lamble Foundation
Sunday 30 July, 4.30pm
Winner ~ Pymble Ladies College
2nd Place ~ St Columba Anglican School
3rd Place ~ Laguna Street Senior Girls
Highly Commended ~ Orange Grove Public School
Highly Commended ~ Burraneer Bay Year 6
Highly Commended ~ Lindfield Public School
Entrants in performance order

1. Inaburra School
2. Hornsby North Public School Girls’ Ensemble
3. Lindfield Public School
5. Mona Vale Public School Junior Dance Group
6. Pymble Ladies College
7. Orange Grove Public School
8. Mona Vale Public School Senior Dance Group
9. Strathfield North Public School Competition Troupe
10. Bellevue Hill Public School Senior Dance Group
11. Laguna Street Senior Girls
12. St Patrick’s Sutherland Senior Girls Show group
13. Burraneer Bay Year 6
14. St Columba Anglican School
15. Redlands Ballet and Dance Academy
16. Oyster Bay Public School Dance Company

Supported by Noel Cislowski AM & Hetty Cislowski
Sunday 30 July, 12.00pm
Winner ~ Bondi Beach Public School
2nd Place ~ Rouse Hill Public School Stage 3 Dance Group
3rd Place ~ St Charles Catholic Primary School (Waverley)
Highly Commended ~ McAuley Catholic Primary School – Lyrical Group
Highly Commended ~ The Scots College Senior Preparatory Company
Highly Commended ~ Pacific Hills Christian School
Highly Commended ~ The Scots College Junior Preparatory Company

Entrants in performance order

1. Shore Preparatory School A
2. Mosman Public School Junior Dance Group
3. Mosman Public Senior Dance Group
4. Penshurst Public School Junior Dance
5. Bondi Beach Public School
6. The Scots College Senior Preparatory Company
7. Barker College
9. Shore Preparatory School B
10. Penshurst Public School Senior Dance
11. St Charles Catholic Primary School (Waverley)
12. Danebank Jazz 7 Hip Hop Junior Dance Troupe
13. Laguna Street Boys
14. Pacific Hills Christian School
15. Danebank Contemporary/Lyrical Junior Dance Troupe 1
16. The Scots College Junior Preparatory Company
17. Rouse Hill Public School Stage 3 Dance Group
18. McAuley Catholic Primary School – Lyrical Group

Supported by Sydney Eisteddfod Jubilee Fund
Sunday 30 July, 3.00pm
Winner ~ Burraneer Bay Extension Dance
2nd Place ~ Wenona
3rd Place ~ Oakhill Drive PS – Senior Dance Troupe
Highly Commended ~ Mowbray Public School Stage 3 Dance Ensemble
Highly Commended ~ Laguna Street Intermediate Girls
Highly Commended ~ Barker College
Entrants in performance order

1. Glenhaven Public School
2. St Andrew’s Junior Girls Show group
4. Laguna Street Intermediate Girls
5. Queenwood School for Girls
6. WHPS – Juniors
7. Oxford Falls Grammar Primary Company
8. Avalon Public School
9. Burraneer Bay Extension Dance
10. Barker College
11. St Andrew’s Boys Show group
12. Wenona
13. WHPS – Boys Hip Hop
14. WHPS – Seniors
15. Faulconbridge Public School
16. St Therese Catholic Primary School (Mascot)
17. Oakhill Drive PS – Senior Dance Troupe
18. St Andrew’s Senior Girls Show group
19. Vaucluse Public School
20. Mowbray Public School Stage 3 Dance Ensemble
21. Rose Bay Public School
22. McAuley Catholic Primary School – Hip Hop Group

Supported by The John Lamble Foundation
Sunday 30 July, 9.00am
Winner ~ Glenhaven Public School
2nd Place ~ Orange Grove Public School
3rd Place ~ Ravenswood School for Girls- Years 1-2 Jazz
Highly Commended ~ Mortdale Scooby Doos
Highly Commended ~ Santa Sabina College
Highly Commended ~ St Charles Catholic Primary School (Waverley)
Highly Commended ~ Fairy Dance
Entrants in performance order

1. Mortdale Scooby Doos
2. Ravenswood School for Girls- Years 1-2 Jazz
3. Pacific Hills Christian School
4. Faulconbridge Public School Stage 1
5. Glenhaven Public School
6. Laguna Street Junior Girls
7. Mowbray Public School Stage 1 Dance Ensemble
8. St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School (Oatley)
9. Kincoppal-Rose Bay
10. St Michael’s Catholic Primary School (Meadowbank)
11. Barker College
12. St Therese Catholic Primary School (Mascot)
13. Bondi Beach Public School
14. Orange Grove Public School
16. Lindfield Public School
17. St Michael’s Catholic Primary School (Daceyville)
18. Fairy Dance
19. Santa Sabina College
20. St Charles Catholic Primary School (Waverley)
21. Rouse Hill Public School Stage 1 Dance Group

Supported by The John Lamble Foundation
Sunday 30 July, 10.30am
Winner ~ Loreto Kirribilli
2nd Place ~ Oakhill Drive PS – Junior Dance Troupe
3rd Place ~ Pacific Hills Christian School
Highly Commended ~ Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School Pymble
Highly Commended ~ The Scots College Junior Preparatory Company
Highly Commended ~ St Therese Catholic Primary School (Mascot)
Highly Commended ~ Ravenswood School for Girls- Years 3-4 Jazz
Highly Commended ~ Bondi Beach Public School
Entrants in performance order

1. Rose Bay Public School
2. Santa Sabina College
3. Kincoppal-Rose Bay
4. Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School Pymble
5. St Therese Catholic Primary School (Mascot)
6. Loreto Kirribilli
7. Killarney Heights Public School
9. Ravenswood School for Girls- Years 3-4 Jazz
10. Zombie Land
11. Oakhill Drive PS – Junior Dance Troupe
12. Cammeray Public School Junior Dance
13. St Catherine’s School Sydney
14. The Scots College Junior Preparatory Company
15. Lindfield Learning Village
16. Faulconbridge Public School Stage 2
17. Avalon Public School Jnr Dance Group
18. Pacific Hills Christian School
19. Mowbray Public School Stage 2 Dance Ensemble
20. Bondi Beach Public School
21. Rouse Hill Public School Stage 2 Dance Group

Supported by The John Lamble Foundation

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Sydney Eisteddfod Home

We acknowledge the Traditional Owners and Custodians of the lands on which our work and events take place. We celebrate and applaud the long, rich history of storytelling in song, dance, and voice. We pay our respects to elders past, present and emerging. We contribute to this continuity – developing and sharing our combined cultural journey through our activities on these lands where sovereignty was never ceded.