286: Classical Guitar (12 Years & Under)
Entry Information
Own choice of one or more items, which must be contrasting in nature. Total performance time of up to 5 minutes, which includes time taken between items.
Important Notes
The use of amplifiers and/or looper pedals is not permitted. Last year's winner not eligible.
Unaccompanied. At the discretion of Sydney Eisteddfod Management, selected place-getters aged 13-15 years may qualify for Event 220: Sydney Eisteddfod Alf & Pearl Pollard Memorial Instrumental Awards for Performance Excellence (13-15 Years). Please refer to the Instrumental Category Rules & Conditions of Entry. Your entry is accepted under these conditions.
Winner: Medal 2nd: Medal 3rd: Medal The winner also receives a performance opportunity with the Classical Guitar Society Sydney later this year. For information about the Society please visit: www.classicalguitarsydney.org.au