
250.1: Sydney Eisteddfod NSW Doctors Orchestra Instrumental Scholarships (Junior 13-18 Years, Senior 19-26 Years) | Heats

Mon 29 Apr 2024, 11.59pm


Solo Event
Event Age
13 to 26 years
Total Performance Time
10 minutes
Video Submission

Entry Information

Repertoire Requirements

Performance of works by memory is encouraged (e.g. concerti). Entrants may perform with music when presenting a collaborative work (e.g. a sonata)

A video recording of one or two works with a Total performance time of up to 10 minutes. This must be a recorded performance made in 2024, filmed in a single take and without edit.

The video recording and supporting documentation must be uploaded to the Sydney Eisteddfod Entrant Portal by Monday, 29 April 2024 - by 23:59

Semi - Final:
Friday, 12 July 2024 at the Sydney Eisteddfod Chippen Street Theatre | Chippendale

Up to 12 Senior & 12 Junior entrants will be selected to give a live performance of two contrasting works which must vary in style and period. The performance must not exceed a total duration of 12 minutes for the Senior Scholarship and 10 minutes for the Junior Scholarship. Please note that the time limit includes the time taken between pieces/movements. Selection of works cannot include items prepared in the Heats.

Saturday, 17 August 2024 at the Darlinghurst Theatre | Darlinghurst

5 entrants for the Senior scholarship and 5 entrants for the Junior scholarship will be selected to present a recital program of works varied in style and period which may include works from the Semi - Finals. The performance duration for the Senior Scholarship is up to 12 minutes (includes the time taken between pieces/movements) and the Junior Scholarship up to 10 minutes (includes the time taken between pieces/movements).


Lloyd Van't Hoff

Area of Specialty:
classical woodwind

Lauded by Limelight Magazine for his “life-affirming music-making”, Lloyd Van’t Hoff enjoys a vibrant career as a clarinetist, chamber musician, director and educator. A winner of the 2015 ABC Symphony Australia Young Performer of the Year, he currently serves as Head of Woodwind at the Elder Conservatorium and is the Director of the Pathways Program at the Australian Festival of Chamber Music. Lloyd is a founding member of Arcadia Winds and is proudly a Buffet Crampon endorsed performing artist.

Rosie Gallagher

Australian flautist Rosie Gallagher enjoys a varied life as a musician around the world. She performs regularly with the Australian Opera and Ballet Orchestra and the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra. As a chamber musician she has performed with the Yellow Barn Music Festival, Heartbeat Opera and Ensemble Connect. She is the co-founder of Noctiluca Arts which is a chamber music organisation in Sydney that is dedicated to sharing the light of classical music with diverse audiences through experiences that are exciting, engaging, and equitable. At Hayes Street Rosie co-directs the concert series with Lee and teaches flute.

Skye McIntosh

Important Notes

All entrants are to submit a video recording for the heats via the Sydney Eisteddfod Entrant Portal. Please ensure you have all required supporting documentation ready for upload at the time of submitting your application.

The video submission must be uploaded to the Sydney Eisteddfod Entrant Portal by Monday, April 29 2024 - by 23:59

Please use the following format when naming your file:
Event #_Entrant First & Last Name_Item 1 (Title_ Composer)

e.g., Event 250_ Emily Jones_ Prelude and Allegro_Kreisler

Acceptable file types include:
.avi, .flv, .m1v, .m2v, .m4v, .mkv, .mov, .mpeg, .mpg, .mp4, .webm, .wmv

Upon progressing to the semi-finals, the following documentation will be required:

* Proof of age and Australian/New Zealand residency status (e.g. birth certificate or current passport - a driver's license or student ID is not acceptable).
* A 200-word biography
* A short statement outlining your current and proposed studies, and how the Sydney Eisteddfod NSW Drs. Orchestra Instrumental Scholarship might help you.
* A publicity picture in colour as a JPEG file - in high resolution (minimum 2M.B.)
* Proposed repertoire for the Semi - Final and Final

Please use the following format when listing your proposed works for later rounds (including complete titles for all movements, if applicable)

Semi - Final:
Accompanied by XXX
1. La Fontaine d'Arethuse Op. 30 by Karol Szymanowski (6:00 mins)
2. Nigun No. 2 from 'Baal Shem' Suite by Ernst Bloch (6:00 mins)
Accompanied by XXX
1. La Fontaine d'Arethuse Op. 30 by Karol Szymanowski (6:00 mins)
2. Nigun No. 2 from 'Baal Shem' Suite by Ernst Bloch (6:00 mins)
3. Violin Concerto No. 1 in G minor Op. 26 by Max Bruch (8:30 mins)
iii. Finale. Allegro energico

Changes to repertoire cannot be made any later than the fortnight leading up to the Semi - Final. Entrants will be notified if their repertoire is considered unsuitable for the later rounds.

Email: [email protected] if you have any questions relating to this submission method


1. Previous winners not eligible.
2. Event is open to any instrumentalist who is a citizen or permanent resident of Australia or New Zealand.
~ Residency and proof of age documents are required when submitting your application. This can include a Birth Certificate or an Australian or New Zealand passport or a permanent resident stamp. A driver's licence is not acceptable.
3. Adjudicator reports will be written for the heats only. No marks will be given on these reports.
4. Accompaniment: Performances are for solo instrument with acoustic piano accompaniment unless the work chosen was composed specifically for solo instrument without accompaniment. No Official Accompanists are provided.
5. Five Finalists and two Reserve Finalists will be selected from the Semi - Finals.
6. The awarding of the scholarshisp is at the discretion of the adjudicators and is given on the understanding that the Winner will undertake study in music performance, including tertiary studies, masterclasses, private lessons, solo and chamber music recitals - both domestically and or internationally.
7. In awarding the scholarship the adjudicators will take into consideration presentation, current level of achievement, commitment to professional development and artistic potential.
8. The scholarship must be utilised within two years of winning and completed within two years thereafter. The payment of instalments is upon application to Sydney Eisteddfod with satisfactory reports of progress from the winner's teacher or teaching institution.
9. The Winner and Finalists must be reasonably available for media interviews and performance engagements. Sydney Eisteddfod will endeavour to continue to provide performance opportunities to alumni as a way of staying connected and nurturing the creative practices of all.
10. Please refer to the Instrumental Category Rules & Conditions of Entry.


Senior Scholarship: $8,000 ($2,000 cash plus $6,000 Scholarship). Sponsored by the NSW Drs Orchestra - Musicus Medicus.

Junior Scholarship: $3,000 ($500 cash plus a $2,500 Scholarship). From The Brian Shearman Memorial Trust Fund, established by his Family & Friends.

Senior Finalists: $500 each (excluding place-getters). Sponsored by the NSW Drs Orchestra - Musicus Medicus.
Junior Finalists: $250 each (excluding place-getters). Sponsored by The Brian Shearman Memorial Trust Fund, established by his Family & Friends.

Willoughby Symphony Orchestra, in consultation with their Artistic Director Dr Nicholas Milton AM or a representative, may offer one of the finalists a professional engagement with the WSO in the next two years, subject to availability and suitability with the WSO's concert programming.
