
288: Secondary School Premium String Ensemble

Fri 7 Jun 2024, 1.00pm
Group Event
Event Age
12 to 19 years
Total Performance Time
10 minutes
Concert Hall, The Concourse

Entry Information

Own choice of a program.

Total performance time of up to 10 minutes, which includes time taken between items.


Dr Joanna Drimatis

Area of Specialty:
Instrumental Music- Strings

Dr Joanna Drimatis is currently Music Director of the Beecroft Orchestra, Resident Conductor of the NSW Doctors Orchestra and Music Education Specialist for the Australian Music Centre.  After initial studies in Australia, Joanna completed graduate studies in violin and conducting in the USA and later completed a PhD in Musicology at the University of Adelaide. As a violinist/violist Joanna has played professionally in orchestras and chamber music festivals both in Australia and overseas. Her unwavering commitment to the advocacy and performance of Australian music was recognised in 2020 when she was awarded an APRA/AMCOS Art Music NSW Luminary Award.

Important Notes

A copy of complete scores, in order of performance, with bars numbered, must be provided. Specific genre items (e.g. Romantic, Classical) and Grades must also be identified on scores.

Copies of music must be uploaded to the Sydney Eisteddfod Entrant Portal no later than two weeks prior to the event (see item 3, in the Instrumental Rules & Conditions of Entry).


8 or more instrumentalists (Please note Sydney Eisteddfod can provide a maximum of 60 orchestral chairs and only 50 music stands).

For guitar or bow-stringed groups (acoustic).

With or without piano. No drum kit, electric bass or keyboard.

Please refer to the Instrumental Category Rules & Conditions of Entry. Your entry is accepted under these conditions.


Winner: $500 & Shield
2nd: $200 & Shield
3rd: $100 & Shield